Foundry Cornerstone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Moxus, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    Any arrogance in UNSC Recruits seldom survives it's first experience in this well-worn training centre.
    2-6 players.

    Cornerstone has been in development literally since my first days on Halo 3. Originally a simple box, Cornerstone has been refined through numerous builds, each adding onto the previous version with my evolving understanding of Halo 3 game-play, aesthetics, and forging technique. While at times forgotten as new ideas rose and fell, Cornerstone has ultimately remained a constant (or a cornerstone) of my Xbox 360's map library.

    Used by UNSC Instructors to give recruits a dose of reality, TF Cornerstone is a small arena-style installation used to help gauge the initial combat capabilities of UNSC rookies. As these new soldiers progress though the training program, they will often return to the arena to apply their new skills and strategies to the facility.

    Cornerstone boasts a fast, yet strategic environment ideal for small parties of 3-4 players. Due to the simple map geometry, players unfamiliar to the map tend to ease in quickly, while that same geometry helps keep the map fresh to more experienced players.

    It is with great pride that I now preset this piece to the forgehub community.

    Weapon List:
    Weapons on Map:
    • 2 Assault Rifles.
    • 4 Battle Rifles.
    • 1 Shotgun.
    • 4 SMGs.
    • 2 Spikers.
    • 2 Plasma Rifles.

    Grenades on Map:
    • 4 Fragmentation Grenades
    • 2 Plasma Grenades
    • 2 Spike Grenades

    Equipment on Map:
    • 1 Power Drain.
    • 1 Regenerator.

    Recommended Game-types:
    • FFA Slayer.
    • SWAT.
    • Fast CTF.
    • Supports All game-types.

    Map Shots:

    Please note that a fence wall was added above Light and Dark Side after these pictures were taken. It is a minor change, implemented to prevent players from escaping the map.


    Overview, looking to Red Base.


    Overview 2, looking to Light side.


    The Pit (Center).


    Lower Pit (Dark side, symmetrical to Light side).


    Dark side overview. Note the drop-down to tunnels.


    Light side overview. Note drop-down to tunnels.


    Looking from Blue/Yellow base to Dark side.


    Tunnels (All 4 are symmetrical).

    Action Shots:


    Prowling the Pit.






    Were in ur mapz, duin our yogaz.



    #1 Moxus, Nov 11, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  2. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    Sorry to come over all nooby but
    Ok, serious now.
    The design/idea looks good and will promise fast paced gameplay and some good BR battles.
    I really can't see anything wrong with the maps.
    A few areas need polishing up a touch ( ie. the light/dark side drop downs ) but overall 9/10
  3. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    The map has a good layout but seems like nothing is really interlocked or geo merged to make the map great. i see u merged the bridges in the center , you should have turned the bridges over they look way better and merged them into the boxes that way....ill dl and get back to ya on spawns and gameplay for me now 6.5 /10
    #3 twisted gaming1111, Nov 12, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2009
  4. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Can i say, maps do not have to have interlocking and geomerging in them.. It can add to it aesthetically, but it won't effect gameplay (unless your map is bumpy which in this case it isnt).

    Now, this is pretty small. I would fix the weapon layout, like only one regen in the top middle and just one plasma rifle and a grenade per corner. There seems like alot of grenade spam. Also, i would suggest this for a 3 man ffa and no grenades on start.
  5. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    How may I work to improve these areas?

    You're right, the map does tend to be prone to grenade spamming. However, the grenades also lead to some interesting sticks, an aspect which I'd like to preserve. As for the Regenerator, I was thinking: Right now, there's a Bubble Shield that spawns on Light Side. Rather than putting the Regenerator in the center, and therefore right next to several objectives and the Shotgun spawn, would it be just as good to replace the Bubble Shield with a Regenerator? For the other weapon spawns, I'll give them a look too.

    Thanks for your feedback guys!

  6. xPromekx

    xPromekx Ancient
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    A map does not always need interlocking. I think this map looks just fine without it. Pretty simple design but it looks fun and it's nice to see a map using the old traditional methods of forging (ie: no interlocking, geo-merging, ghost merging)
  7. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please Note

    The map has been updated with the following changes:
    • Bubble Shield removed, replaced by Regenerator.
    • Regenerators at bases removed.

    The initial post has been updated accordingly.

    Thanks! I should say, though, that there is some minor interlocking, specifically around the exterior wall and the central Bridges.

  8. monitormaster117

    Senior Member

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    Great map, would be good with about 6-8 people I think.
    The weapon placement was brilliant, symmetrical, except for the shotgun in the middle, which is the power weapon in this map. Also, the way the battle rifles have been placed on the upper levels has been well thought out, as there are barriers to hie behind, and would generally have the upper hand. But countering this are the assault rifles on the bottom floor by the grav lifts, with a smg and a couple of frag grenades. One thing I was kinda bummed about was the fact that it was impossible to throw a grenade up the grav lift without it bouncing of the wall and killing you.

    Spawning has been well done, as noone spawns in an 'OP' area, and everyone can pick up a weapon that they want almost instantaneously.

    The geomerging of the bridges in the center, I think is unattractive. But whats so great about it is the sheer fact of how amazing it is. Everything is in line, and has obviously taken quite a while.

    Its a very nice map, and I hope to view more from you soon!
  9. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks very much; I'm glad you like the map! Is there anything I can do to make the map better?

  10. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks very impressive. Seems smooth even without interlocking.
    Only thin I would suggest is to put Weapon holders ontop of the barriers, especially the ones standing up, to keep them in place
  11. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! I did consider using weapon holders, but with no high-force explosives or vehicles on the map, the barriers and columns seldom move. Therefore, I thought it better to place my resources elsewhere.

    #11 Moxus, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009

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