
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Murdock Sampson, Sep 10, 2008.


How do you like the map?

  1. Quite well, good sir

  2. Sorry, but I'm a noob, and only look at a map at face value

    0 vote(s)
  3. This map is brilliant, and you sir are a genius

  4. Delicious blend of gameplay and map mechanics

  5. [See my post for detailed review]

  1. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    created by Murdock Sampson


    PNG (if the video isn't working):

    "Do a barrel roll."
    -Insane54, shortly after doing a barrel roll


    Map Story

    (note: Map Story sucks, but accompanies the map well)

    A group of isles were explored in the year 2025. The exploration revealed a large quarry of coal on these islands. In order to collect the coal, bases were stationed on these different islands to mine for the coal, and cargo ships used to move the coal back to the mainland. This is an approximate retelling of the events that happened in Echo base on July 19th:

    9:34:08 AM
    Echo Base receives a distress call from a cargo ship off shore. "Someone or something" was reported to be on the ship. A squad of marines was dispatched
    9:36:52 AM
    Squad reports the cargo ship crashed on a nearby island off shore.
    9:54:34 AM
    Lifeboats from ship land onshore. Squad collects the travelers, and prepares for evac. Will be back to echo at 10:00:00
    Report from the squad tells that the creature previously thought to had sunken with the ship was on the beach. The creature was quick and strong, and was camouflaged to the naked eye. The transmission ended with disturbing screams and gunfire
    11:30:25 AM
    Report from squad: "We've managed to slow the damn thing down. I think it's only tranq'd though. Don't want to stay on this beach too long. That box can't hold that dammed thing for too long..."

    Map Description

    7-12 Suggested Players

    And this is where you come in. The game starts with the Predator stuck for 1 minute, and a beach team and a base team that'll have to prepare themselves. I'll be describing all the characters below:


    The Predator spawns in the box that the marines trapped him in. He spawns picking up a custom power-up. This temporarily stops the zombie from escaping the box. By default the zombie can easily leap out of the box.

    Predator Traits

    The Predator is invisible, slightly faster than the humans, and has 2x Overshields and has good camo. He's armed with a plasma pistol and an energy sword, but only does a small amount of damage, and takes about 2-3 hits to kill an enemy. The Predator also sees waypoints above all of its victims heads, and has shield leech.

    Predator Tips
    *It takes a few hits to kill your victims if you confront them head on. Use your stealth to sneak up and assassinate in one hit
    *If the tip above doesn't work out too well for you, then don't be afraid to attack and then back off. Your sheilds don't recharge so sticking around long enough to get a few rounds in you isn't that smart
    *Don't end the game right away. I find its fun to go around with your plasma pistol and freak people out. Trust me its hilarious when they see a green light out of the corner of their eye and are just like "OMGWHT!?!"
    *Think smart. See a group of people? Might wanna take them down one by one. If you see a lone wolf, let them regret it. But if they're all together, find a way to take them down one by one

    Humans. Love them hate them, chances are you are one. Humans spawn with an assualt rifle and magnum, but can easily pick up a weapon... which are everywhere. Humans have 10 meter normal radar, are all green, and have no shield recharge. Pick up a custom power-up to get your shields recharged. But there are two groups of humans to think about:

    Beach Team

    You have just trapped the creature. In a minute he'll be out. And protocols require that you locked the doors behind you. Too bad. Now you gotta get out. There are multiple ways to do this. Most of which are depicted in my video below. And remember, cargo ship just crashed, guns and other supplies are everywhere.

    *Get off the beach. You have one minute. Don't doddle
    *Get some weapons. Assualt rifles and magnums aren't always best

    Base Team

    Well the base is a great stronghold. but it has a few open hatches which you should shut to better your defense. For better detail, see the video in the switches section below. Also weapons are littered around the base, so look around for a sec and you'll be pleasantly surprised.


    Switches Videos Here

    This video depicts the switches of the map.

    (Note: First time embedding a video this way, so if it doesn't work, I'll get it working, just say "video isn't working", don't need 20 messages about it).

    Lots of Pictures with Captions

    Insane54's ideas
    Besides the Barrel Roll, Insane had several other wise ideas:

    Best... Plan... EVER...

    Insane's plan to make us "inLOLerable"
    (Note: it worked)

    Interlocks. Any "needs more interlocking" posts will be reported as spam.


    Can you see the predator? Remember, freaking people out is fun!

    Where is linu?

    There is linu!

    Mah sneeks n mah sneeksiness

    Stuck... before this problem was fixed, it was really easy for the Predator to get stuck like this. XD

    Specially Editted Picture:
    Uppercut... notice "Sampson" on the windmill-fan-wheel-twisty-thing

    To the Testers, too numerous to name... lol, people who gave a suggestions, and you for giving me your feedback.

    Download Cornered

    Download Predator


    Player reviews:

    #1 Murdock Sampson, Sep 10, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol me!!!!


    haha me again!!! why'd you leave me out?

    anyways, I had a LOT of fun testing this, and didn't know how much MORE fun it is to be the human, that is, until I turned zombie...being zombie is hella fun, (lol cartman) and around every corner is a human, yet, around every corner, is another human, ready to assassinate you....TROUBLE

    Also, why the hell (lol JK) did you put me dying in all the pictures
    the one with the warthog still in the outside = me dead
    the one with insane and you driving interlockz? me splattered by insane (lol)
    Me getting freaked dying late
    (lol you should put that as like testimonies in the OP)

    Congrats Murdock, on FINALLY releasing it!!!
  3. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Oh, look at that! Last Resort! This map is very simply laid out, but yet it's genious. I never thought of the idea of a custom powerup to stop the zombie, and i love these kinds of games (When the zombie has to be tactical). I'm guessing besides from the zombie spawn, the gametype is the focus? Feel free to correct me though.

    If anyone gets a game going on this map, plx invite me. GT is the same as my username.
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Ha, this was fun. I think with your updates it'll be better. For a zombie game this is pretty cool. I like spawning in the base though, that way I can get the rockets. >:D

    Somethings I like about this:

    The gate-way in the base. I like how when you go to "open" it it actually closes it up more. Very nice touch. I like how the pred. --when he kills and no one is around but you are close... you get that "uh-oh" feeling. I like how if you're on the beach and the pred. gets out you can see it's feet shuffling around in the water. That is a nice real-touch. Also, the fact that you can damage, but hard to kill, your fellow humans is a nice bonus. Gives that more real feel. Using the custom-power ups was also another real feeling. In basics, I like how you really put in that whole "this seems like it's actually real" touch to the map.

    Somethings I don't like: Although I found it funny, the warthog seemed to pwn the pred. a lot. Now, there are ways around it, but if you've got a dimmwitted pred. then that pred. get pwn'd. Other than that, I can't think of anything else that was a bother. Err, well, it was a bother that the humans did start to randomly betray other humans. But I'm sure with your new settings that is less likely. Also, the med-pack with the new settings comes in hand when that does happen.
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I enjoyed this cuz I kicked ass at it. And keeping in mind while reading the rest of my post: I HATE infection.

    Basically, this game is all about stealth and being attentive. A human can easily kill the predator if 1) the pred is a dumbass, or 2) the human is attentive enough to watch his team fall and track the pred. The game is fairly well balance, the predator being weak enough to take down quite easily, while if he is being stealthy and smart has a decently easily time killing people.

    The point scoring also works well. You are rewarded for being the smart, attentive human with a 3 point victory. Kills as a zombie are only 1 point, so you aren't rewarded with dying early, gaining ridiculous power and than killing the remain people like most zombie games.

    Certain problems do arise. Hiding as a human is pointless, and long and sometimes the game drags on especially if you don't know what you are doing. There are also a few exploitable factors. They aren't major problems, and you basically have to be witty to realize you can even do them, so I guess it's more a bonus for smart players than a negative.

    If you like infection, I suggest you check it's always fun to throw down some casual gameplay.
  6. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a great predator map considering that I LOVE predator. I wish you hit me up on the testing because I would of enjoyed this a lot. The gameplay looks well planned out with the two "teams." I cannot wait to play this later on!
  7. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    665 views, SIX POSTS! seriously if you're reading this and like the map, i'd like some feedback. or if you hate the map i'd like to know why.

    And to previous comments:

    to Th Kn1ght: I'd be willing to play anytime. Not to brag about my map, since to be honest I didn't do a lot with it (I did a lot of THINKING not FORGING), but I really love to play on it. I think I created a really good game variant that just plays well.

    And for the two teams thing, to be honest they deteriorate faster than I would've hoped. Most the beach guys hang out on the beach or just hang out near the wall, and only a few smart base guys actually stay in the base. And then there's the others who make their way to the beach. Why they go towards the predator, I have no idea.

    To everyone else: Worry not, the scoring and game play is working quite well. So no worries. I think there were like a few things I forgot to do, but unless this map gets some positive reviews, I'm not going to worry about making a V2
  8. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh well that isn't f ic.... Still I think when someone actually makes a map on a Pre-DLC map its pretty awesome... And infection games don't require much aesthetics especially if it is on Last Resort.
  9. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
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    I remember testing this and I got in where I wasn't supposed to,
    the warthog holder thing I think it was funny you has just said you can't get in there and I said i'm in lol.

    Anyways on to the map very nicely done, nice map although I dislike the seperate spawning areas it makes individuals who get spawned alone very hard to live long before being attacked.

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