CORE ***Please Post If You Download*** This is my third map I have spent a lot of time designing, creating, testing, and recreating I have put a lot of thought into every detail of this map everything is placed as best as I possibly could Map is great for 3v3 to 5v5 This map is symmetrical as well as asymmetrical depending on game type being played Symmetrical on symmetrical game types the attacking and defending teams will start in the long hallway and make there way towards the structure in the middle of the map where the will find the flags'/bombs located on the third floor of the structure the teams will then have to take there flag/bomb to there opponents starting area to score Mauler substitutes battle riffle in the third floor of the structure in Symmetrical game types Third floor of the structure is enclosed on Symmetrical game types Suggested Symmetrical game types Multi-Flag Multi-Bomb KOTH Oddball Land Grab Slayer and Team Slayer Asymmetrical On asymmetrical game types the attacking team will start in the long hallway and the defending team will spawn in the structure Battle riffle substitutes mauler in the third floor of the structure in Asymmetrical game types Third floor of the structure is wide open on Asymmetrical game types The defending team gets a Fuilrod located on the third floor on Asymmetrical game typesSuggested Asymmetrical game types Single Flag Single Bomb Territories Weapons: Carbine (4) Rockets (1) Spikier (4) Sniper (2) Battle Riffle (6) Mauler (2) Shotgun (1) Fuel Rod (1) Plasma Riffle (4) Turret (6) Flame Thrower (1) Equipment: Trip Mine (1) Bubble Shield (2) Deployable Cover (2) Active Camo (1) Plasma Grenade (2) Down Load CORE Here I would like to thank for there forge 101 tips without those guys I would have not been able to create my vision This map has been brought 2 u by DIVISION 69 check out my other great maps Claustrophobia F.U.B.A.R. Some feed back would be appreciated. Thanks
In all honesty it is too hard to see the pictures with all of those things around it. And also make them smaller so i dont have to scroll over and see them. I hate doing that.
So i scaled the pics down somewhat but your still gonna have to scroll over a little I know life is hard thanks for the feed back WOW 57 veiws and only one comment and its all about how big the pics are dont i feel foolish!