Core fusion, a Triangular map with a lot of Fusion Coils. A slayer-based map where you start with only a magnum, shooting at fusion coils to blow competitors away. There are two bases in the bottom corners of the triangle, there is a sniper placed in each base and a window to snipe through.There is a triangle in the middle enclosed with a Overshield and custom powerup with a grav lift to get you out. Gametype Fusion Frenzy - Custom Powerup lasts 30 seconds with increased gravity and Speed - No vehicles or Power weapons - Suicide happens often and comes with a price of minus one kill and 15 second respawn. - No teams, FFA Slayer PICTURES One angle picture Another angle Picture Third angle picture Middle Triangle Other side of middle triangle, notice the fusion coils Custom powerup in triangle Teleporters to send you to base Action pictures EXPLOSIONS Explosion Middle triangle explosions, Chain reaction for all around the triangle So yah download this map Core Fusion Map : Halo 3 File Details fusion Frenzy Gametype : Halo 3 File Details HAVE FUN AND DL Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To PhoneSend To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone Send To Phone
The interlocking and building of this map look great, but the concept doesn't seem that entertaining. It seems like it would get pretty old fast, especially with a 15 second suicide respawn time (?!) It also looks like people would just camp the towers easily, making it incredibly annoying for anyone left below.
This map actually looks pretty fun to play on. I like the whole triangular design. You dont usually see that design in maps on foundry. One bad issue is because of all the fusion coils it looks like you could break the map very easily from the looks of the walls. I also dont know how the spawns would turn out. It seems like you might get spawn killed alot. I really like the idea, but I just dont know if it will work. Kepp up the good work man.