I like this one the best, the black boarder does it's job of focusing the picture without being to overwhelming.
nah, all the important details are still shown in the narrow version. Edit: Maybe the narrow one is a little to narrow. Maybe an inbetweener size sig would be nice, lol.
Ice, the ones with the brown borders look great. It keeps with the scheme, while standing out. I say use any one you want, because it's just an awesome sig. Sdrakaulic(WTF)- The first one you could tell was sort-of rushed. I really like the background. It has a complex design which I think looks great. My only problem is that it doesn't fit in with anything else that I can see. The splatter is very obvious, but it follows that color scheme. Text is meh, not good, not bad. Overall, your score is: Spoiler 9.0/10. A passing grade!!1!@! Onto the second. Kay. No offense, I just dun like it as much as the first one. The colors are controversial to me, and don't really bring out the full potential, I want to say. The smudging and opacity change on the Spartan takes away from the face that he is the focal point. The background looks nice, but fairly simple. Like 4 brushes. I'm going to add this right now that I feel like a **** lawl. I'm sorry. Continuing. The text on "A Pillow" is great. It's cartoonish and I like it a lot. But the change in texts is confusing. Like one is cartoonish, and the other is simple. Adding a border would help your aesthetics, too. So teh score are: Spoiler 7.6/10. If it helps, I like your current sig.
Alright, here we go. Pigeon- My favorite part of this is the blue background. It's the kind of calming blue so its nice to look at. The text stands out a lot because the text is HUUUGE and its really choppy. I suggest you go with a 14pt. font and a custom text. Plain and simple. The sword is pretty cool, but I think you could have put some sort of brush that has that brown or red from the sword(using the eyedropper). Although I could say that about the sword, I have no complaints with the character. He's blended in well and the opacity seems perfect. Add a border and it would look nicer. Otay, mah score for you is: Spoiler 8.8/10. I'll buy you a Happy Meal, ok?
Pigeon- Well first I'll add that I was going to give Scar a try on this one, but you did and he should be proud . The only real problems I have with with it is the text "The American Dream" and the little border skip. The text is right on the Spartan, so they're fighting against eachother for your attention. Plus the font is a little plain, and doesn't fit the theme. The border skip is on the top right where the brush covers it. If more brush area covered the border, it wouldn't look as awkward. I was also thinking that the border might look better black, but I guess that red works just as well. Now for the rating. Drumroll pl0x... Spoiler 9.3/10. What a neat score!!!
haha, thanks again. im coming here from now on when i make sigs! =] i have to say, i am progressing fast, i only started using GIMP like two days ago =]]
I don't think this sig came out great what do you think... Edit:I didn't like this one either...I mean this one is horrible in my opinion...am I going to hard on myself..
Nor, or Core, could you critique my current signature? I have to go right now, like RIGHT now, so I'll get the pic again if you like instead of looking in my signature, which isn't tooooo hard. xD
Thumbs- Your sig seems so...plain. I just want to know first: do you use renders or what? Ice- I love the sigs. The colors work very well with eachother and the texture is awesome. But for both of them try resizing to about 375x125. Here's for the first one. So again, colors are great. You also added a border, which is great. One problem I see is the render. His/her/it's head extends over the actual size of the sig. It looks a little unnatural. Also, his/her/it's chest is all black. I suggest putting another small stream of white light like you did its arms. Honestly, I can't think of any other problems. Your score: Spoiler 9.7/10. OMFG nice! For the second one, it looks very nice. Not a big KH fan, but the sig is delicious. Same texture, which always looks good. The grainy look. I think the text is awesome how it blends in and follows the brush. Only problem I have is the brushes between the two are the same. Not that it's a bad brush, just some originality would be better. Again, no real complaints. So teh score: Spoiler 9.8/10. You are a winrar. Stoj- I've always thought that was your best sig. The colors really draw you in to study it more. I loved Transformers so thats a bonus. Good placement with the render. It gives you a starting point and leads you through the whole canvas. Everything seems to work smoothly except for the lines at the bottom right. The wavy ones. Nothing else that I can see is wavy on the sig except those lines. The border is complex which is a change from normal one toned borders. I like that part a lot. Another complaint is the top left where the little part(?) has the outer glow that didn't blend well. But I guess that's just a minor detail only I would notice ._. So for you: Spoiler 9.6/10. You can haz a buckit!
wow well I actually used a render that alreay had the wisps and I'm not good at them so I can't really fix the first one like you said... yeah I know I used the same brush on both the first was kinda sorta planned but the second one is a spur of the moment thing...so I didn't really take time to get a another brush pack since I only have one brush pack that I didn't delete. I deleted a lot of them to clear out space... anyway thanks for the great review and advice on the sigs I hope the newest sig makers use this sig to because its really helpful... also sorry for the delayed feed back but if you watch the news or weather you know all about the hurricane Gustav and that and my power just came back on today so...(It feels really nice to have air conditioning again)
I got tired of the cloudish background and make this I was just messing around but I really kinda like how it turned out...