Norlinsky: #1-Starting with a focal, half a person is usually not generalized as focal. Just an extra border. Try to move him over so you can at least see his whole face. Also, you may want to crop off the sig on the right. It extends too far away from the focal. The splatters are a little distracting, so try blurring them just a tiny bit. The bars and text are done very well. And good job with the color scheme. Also, add a light source on the persons right face. It will increase the depth. Haseo: #1-Right away, I noticed that the sword is way too distracting from the person. You should try to fade the yellow at the tip of the sword. This will blend him more and bring attention in towards the focal. The FX and text are good, but they mess with the flow of the person. The flow seems to be going towards the left, which is the dircetion of his sword. Try placing the text on the tip of his sword in the same size. The person himself is done well, but add a light source on the left. This will add much more depth.
About that render, it's cut off on half of the face and I went with the theme which is an assassin, so he's hidden and you have to make him your focal point. The brushes also lead you away from it, but also lead you to it. So I thought it worked well. Sorry, I have another which Lock forgot to do(or just left haha). I resized it.
.Core, this is EXACTLY why I think this thread is pointless. We have our own opinions and alas, like you said, you are not the best on FH. If you said yourself you aren't the best, why are you giving 'extensive' critique? Honestly, these sigs are better then some of yours (EG and ) (@Norlinsky, try making a vertical sig with that render, since it's in half, it'd look sexy. ) --- I feel for you LoCK.
Wow Stoj, you have absolutely no idea what extensive means do you? You must think it means like pro critique or something. It actually means more along the lines of in-depth. See how i'm not rude and hurtful in my post?
If you can't take comments like that then bleugh, have fun facing Whisper, Vinny or Reynbow. xD Lawl at not being hurtful, you weren't hurtful at all towards LockdownN, not at all. If you wanna carry this on, lets not spam up your thread and we'll talk via Profile messages, PMs or IRC.
Extensive critique implies you have a history in GFX, and are qualified to do so. You wouldn't see a clown for a stomachache.
No, it does not imply anything at all about myself. It only means that I give an in-depth review. Look it up before you reply dude.
Okay since you said only one at a time how about this one. Also could you critique the one in my current signature.
LOCK said that I posted too many at a time so I just want the two above... The one I posted and my current sig. Or just one if you only do one at a time.
Norlinsky: Im just going to do some quick critique for you. I like how its turning out so far. But needs a couple more things to get rid of the negative space, and to add some depth. One thing to do could be, adding a light source on his right. You could also add a C4D extending from his back to the top-left, behind him of course. This will also give a little more flow. I cant provide much else seeing that its a WIP.
this is my SOTW.....i think it sucks, but w/e could you by any chance take the psd, here RapidShare: Easy Filehosting just to see what you can do with it,....if you want of course!
im sorry, but firstly, idk what .core is gonna say, but he has had some bad stuff with someone helping him in the first place.... second, no offense, but idk if you have enough experience....i even dont!