LOCKdownN: #1-Starting off with the color scheme, its very nice. But use a gradient map to blend them a little and to tighten them up. As for FX and such, the C4D you used is nice. But extend it all the way to the bottom, don't just smudge it into the character. The character's FX itself is pretty good, but the orange eyes distract from the focal alot. Use some black dots set to overlay there to darken them a bit. Text is a little too big, and move it all up a bit. Its too close to the focal. #2- The color scheme is too close to god of war itself, like I said above, use a gradient map to make it different from GoW a little. This will also make it yours in another way. Effects on Kratos are too simple. All you did was motion blur him and smudge his sword a little. Try, on the motion blur, to do a vertical ripple or something to give it more definition. Text should be located behind Kratos in the top-right corner as not to distract from the action itself. I like what you did with the rectangle in the top-left. Its a very nice touch instead of a clipping mask.
Norlinsky- Well, the first time i saw it, i though, epic, i meen between the cool reflection on the helmet, to the great use of my favorite color, Orange. But then i looked into it, and relized, that i hated the text. Its to small, and the actuall font just sucks. I do like the use of straight line, really makes sence, because it acurrate, wich for some reason reminds me of RS:V2. So basically, its a good sig, just work on the text
LOCKdownN, you need to be alot more in-depth than that. In my mind, you told him one thing to change when he needed alot. No offense, Norlinsky.
LOCKdownN isnt going to review here for me anymore. He doesnt help enough. This is extensive critique.
wow, **** YOU, not that i am angry for being kicked out, but really, do you have a brain, or is it just a ****ing boiled egg. I personally thought the sig was great, and its only flaw was the text, otherwise, i reall liked it, sorry for not finding little things in a sig the arnt bad, and finding ways to make them look bad. Is that what you want me to do? If so, your a huge idiot. and for you to think i cant be in depth in helping out sigs, is just plain stupid. I know i may not be the best sig maker on forgehub, but i am one of the most supportive and helpful members when it comes to graphic arts. Anyways, this thread will just blow away like all of you other bold letteing threads. good day sir.
I on the other hand am alot more helpful than you. And I give in-depth reviews because thats what people came here for. Most, if not all, of my help gives advice making sigs really good. And, I thought we were friends dude.
We are, but doing **** like that is just stupid. An NO, you are not more helpful than me, although you have this thread, every time someone posts a sig, and wants help weith it, i help them, A LOT, and anyways, it just one reviw, why kick me out because of that?
Im not trying to be a **** dude. But all I want you to do, is give more things for them to improve on. If you look at my reviews, they all give reasons to improve on things such as color, contrast, etc. If you like the color, give them ways to increase the depth on it. Me and you are good together, so don't **** it up. Now, do you want to stay in it as long as you're more in-depth?
yeah, ill just wait for a sig. all im trying to say, imo, Morlinskyss sig was amazing, but thats just ME, thats what you have to realize.
Okay how about these ones... A couple I made for other people though. Mine Made for Nemihara Mine Made for Fatty Mine Also could you tell me how much I have improved since my first one? (Below) Don't laugh I know it sucks.