hey a great cops and robbers map with spikestrips and many other things it also has two jails and in each one there is a way out but itakes alot of noise so the cops come so watch out for those cops and spike strips because their hard to avoid well anyways have fun and enjoy it http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17623047 STARTING POINT 1 STARTING POINT 2 SPIKESTRIP1-2 [img width=800 height=600]http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii30/AKIIZEROII/SPIKESTRIP3.jpg[/img] SPIKESTRIP 3 SPIKESTRIP4-5 OUTSIDE OF JAIL 1 OUTSIDE OF JAIL 2
Re: Fun cops and Robbers map for those with the varient "Fun cops and Robbers map for those with the varient" Could youpost a varient. And also pictures of game play would be nice. The pictures in forge make it look all weirdy..
Re: Fun cops and Robbers map for those with the varient My shoes have been stolen.THIS POST IS AND CAN HAZ TO BE BETTER
what exactly is the gametype? cause if you don't make a link you might as well tell us the basic settings so that we can try to recreate it.