Cops and Robbers (Foundry)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by M715ForLife, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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    Hey. This is a map for cops and robbers. Cops and robbers is an Infection Game type. Basiclly the Cops can only be killed by assasination. They can tell the Robbers to do somthing, and if they dont, blow then away.
    The map.
    Where the Robbers spawn. 4 cells on each side.
    When you go to the end of the cells, and go left, you see the bathroom. The red and yellow thing is a crapper. On the left are the urinals, and the right, are the sinks.
    Take a left from the bathroom, you see this.
    That is a cafeteria. Under the tables are radar jammers.
    Continuing to walk through the Cafe, you reach the BasketBall Court.
    Shootin' Hoops.
    [​IMG] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
    It is in Slot one. The game type is slot 10.
    I made this map. This would have not been able to come to life without a few people who helped me test this map over and over! Those people are: Caboose Jr., Xam Mollu, AC5275Station1, BigglesWorth99, DeeHunter1, and 13xProphetx13. If I missed you, Im sorry. Post up, and Ill add you to the testers.
    I put ALOT of time into this map, so please just try it. Pretty much all of it is interlocked.
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    this doesnt look that fun. You have to make it like......with more items and not basketball. 3/5 for the idea
  3. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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    There are more items, I didnt feel the need to take a picture of everything.
  4. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    sorry i posted that comment. I wasn't being myself ;)
  5. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    When I first saw the bottom picture I thought you made a D***, but you need to focus more on the map not on basketball. Their also seems to be lots of open space in the map.
  6. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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    Its OK. Just download it, and try it. Please?
  7. drak

    drak Ancient
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    eeeh...all cops and robbers maps have exactly that same beginning....2/5
  8. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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    The basketball is just for fun. This is a casual map. I could have cut that section off, or put in the B-Ball court.
  9. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Ok well, never ever ever put a link to ur fileshare, only the map and game variant in 2 separate links.
  10. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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    Umm? Ok? You could just scroll down?

    Quit flaming me, im guessing its because I am new.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I usually don't like cops and robbers maps because I've been shown about two hundred of em, and every time I play on them everybody just runs around and does nothing. Then a cop will randomly kill me and they have re spawns off or something gay like that. Then I'll have to spectate for an hour or leave. No offense but it's not original. I'm sure your friends like it, but I will never download a cops and robbers map.

    Edit: Its the rules to make the link to the map only. Don't say "stop flaming because I'm new". He was pointing out a legitimate rule that you are not following. By the way, look at how many posts he has.
  12. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    it's ok, it justs needs more stuff, and the basketball thing seems a little useless... 3/5
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    you need somewhere to go. ive made a giant prison before, i made it so it is insanely hard to get out if you have never played because you have to think to get out, but yours you can walk out and you are free, but the area seems very open, it also looks exactly like another map "area 69" odd....
  14. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    actually its because you dont have colour in your name :), If you did this map would be "awesome".

    This is a pretty unoriginal map my friend (This isn't flaming its constructive critisism, Something many try and get wrong) I like the idea of basketball I haven't seen that before so +rep maybe I'm just blind but it looks pretty fun :)

    Heres the lowdown on Shield doors, They're great if you put them in places where you are still vunreble for example if you hover them higher so you can see the targets feet is a great, That way it provides good cover BUT its not campable due to grenades / Gun damage to the legs making it an even source of cover.

    Please don't leave this site because of the negative aura this map has generated look through the comments take anything remotley useful and apply it to your NEXT map because if you stay - you WILL Make another map its an addiction.

    All in all not a bad first effort on forgehub and you posted it correct so GJ best of luck in the future <3 Chicken Dippah
    ZANDER1994 and Hazza like this.
  15. iTz Rocker

    iTz Rocker Ancient
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    Not To Be Mean Or Anything But These Maps Are Gettin Old . . .
  16. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    I'm not big on Cops and Robbers. If one person has no mic, or cant hear the other players, then it makes it immpossible for them to play. and it's not fair just to boot them, and if you do, then you have less players. even though the map isnt original' and it may not be the best Cops and Robbers map out there, you should keep trying and stuff like that. Dont take any mean stuff people say too personally. think of it more as encouragment disguised.
    Hazza likes this.
  17. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    To be honest people - Chicken Dippah has said all the critism in a constructive, suttle manner and let it that be the end of it (+ rep for him too). Moaning and flaming won't encourage him to make another map so why do it. The only thing wrong with the post is the link to the file share though. Try to get this fixed and link it to a Bungie map forum and your post is 100% my friend :D

    EDIT:Sin Fwang has contributed a good point too

    SILENTxDEATHx14 Ancient
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    well duh its soposed to be for the zombies to respawn there wit the cop so that they dnt escape
  19. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    this map isnt very original, frankly i'd rather play some of the classic c&r maps
    all that aside good try, just try something more original in the futre
    keep posting maps!
  20. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
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    looks great(ive recently been looking 4 and making some cops and robbers maps) i could really use this, not the best C-R map but it does look like people could enjoy this 5/5+dl

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