Now supports oddball and assult gametypes and fixes for gametypes. Hey guys most of you no me and i have to admit im not a great forger. Ehh, idon't have the gift, or the patience so i try to make up for it by being as helpful as I can around the site. So before i start i would like to thank Insane54 and Convulse for helping me build and test this v.1 of my map. So without further ado, I give you Copperfeild...v.1! It is a small map only formated for capture the flag and slayer(for now). playes best with 2-6 players, but if you need to you can play with 8.The main feature of this map is the doors, which have teleporters behind them taking you out any other door. that aughta confuse you. Now for the pics: overveiw Side B Spawn Side B Hallway Side A Spawn Side A Hallway Center Hallway Center Forks into Two Staircase Leading to Cold Rooms Side A Cold Room Side B Cold Room Hallway Connecting the Two Cold Rooms Gameplay: I gotz teh snipez Rocket=DEATH Teabagger no teabagging In One Door... ...Out Another I am a Unicorn owaDolnd (Download)
I saw this map before TGIF #11. It looked very well forged great work! The tunnels with cielings give the map its own feel and so do the doors with teleporters. I downloaded and I'll play on it later!
looks pretty good, a nice inclosed map and looks very fun for infection, i c used a door instead of just a telporter but uv put it in the floor infront of the door, i hope it works so im going to giv it a go
well guys it is a competitive map but i guess this could be an infection map although it isn't formatted for it.
I for some reason don't like tunnel maps like this one. They really are gaining popularity at the moment, we have been seeing many of them. That aside, this looks like a decent map. It may be good for ctf and the like, but this isn't my kind of map. Just thought I would give my insight.
yea ill have 2 agree with The Nasal Abyss x, but looks pretty good, ill DL for u MLG Carbon Sector v2
Can you give a description of those new gametypes or just give us a listing of the settings so we know what we are getting.
Very nice map, I love the teleporting doors there are definitely the key feature of the map. The ceiling gives the map a nice closed in feel and it is perfect for CQB gametypes. 5/5
wow i had no idea that this map was this good i hope but i didn't think it would be recived the way it is thanx guy. it is this reason why i still forge.
its k and yeah slayer is the main design but capture the flag and assult close quarters gets epic too. **** double post sorry guys lost track too many replies don't infract me for this please it was an accident
looks pretty good. while its mildly sloppy in some areas, i dont find that it would probably effect the gameplay much. i like the tunnels. they have a very open and industrial feel to them. keep up the good work.
grazie and umm i saw the 3v3 on baynetwork. ummm you die a lot don't you updating link will be down for 2 min. Back up1