and it's not the usual bashing type!?!? It's pretty unbiased and shows some cool facts about vista, and even how back when XP was released it wasn't taken well. How reviewers said that xp required too much ram and 2 WHOLE gigs of space! (See the similarities?) It also gives some fixes to some problems Vista users might be having. It's a great read for xp users /vista haters/ mac fanboys / etc. Link Here (Don't turn this into a flamboyant fest of opinions)
Very, very good article. I'm still not a fan of Vista, but it does bring to light some of the mob mentality that promptly ignores any possible good features of Vista. I'm just not a user anymore since it will run very poorly on my computer, a HP DV6000 laptop. But overall, this was a very nice read.
I didn't really like vista, but I tried it on my cousin's godly computer and now I don't mind. Sure it has some annoyances but it's not pure **** as many put it.