I got a cool idea for a minigame / infection map. The zombie has 150% jumping, and theres two of them. They have 1000% damage resistance, humans on the other hand have magnums, and have all the regular stats. The zombies jump on one another and grab a custom powerup making the Crate fall! Here's a example of the Crates will be placed. Dark Grey = Wall. Darkish Green = Box. Yellow = Custom powerup. Heres pictures. What Top looks like. What below the Crate looks like. So this should help the guys who don't understand.
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say. You need to be more specific and better detailed. I understand that hole | thing but your pictures and what your trying to say doesn't make sense. What do you mean?
...Walls like this | so then humans can't jump on them/overthem. and crates fall when zombies grab powerup..
lol al capwnage i think i kinda get humans are on top , and zombies spawn below the crates, the zombies have to jump to release a crat and once one falls then can jump on it and go after the humans, in the meantime, the humans can grab the powerups and stop zombies from getting up....nvm i give up
>.< you were close y35 but it's like that one pallet minigame where zombie had splazer and shot pallets to kill humans. >.> but with crates. without splazers.
o, i get it now its kinda sorta in a way like hide and seek, but you dont get to choose your spot, you just spawn there, and if you get found, -execution- lol
u should make it so the zombies cant jump out, so they have to try and make the humans fall, not just drop one crate and come after the humans.
There seperated 1-2 people per crate, theres walls that splits them up so you can random guess a slot. too jump up on.
ok, i got an idea for this map first take a bunch of double walls and set them a crates length appart so it looks like this l l l l l l l l then take them and go the other way _____ _____ _____ and it will form a checkerboard type thing, after that, fill them with crates and all the 12 powerupps you get, and set them about a crates heigth off the ground, and give zombies 50% grav or something along those lines next, make a box around the top of the checkerboard so the humans can run around on top, now all the zombies have to do is jump and grab the powerups as fast as the mcan, if they are fast and can grab them all, the humans will all fall, but if they cant, they must choose wisely and try to catch the himan offguard,
It kinda like battle ships, in that the humans are the ships, and the zombies are the missiles, and you have to guess with one a human is standing on. And when you get one with a human on it, you fall down and the zombies get ya. right? this would be hard to make,but could be done.. you'd have to block the zombie from the human entirely, with the crates
i am making a map of this nemi i can post it here once i'm done to give you guys a better understanding of the idea