I thought it would be a cool idea if someone made a stop motion aesthetics map using forge like if someone took one of those sculptures (like the scarab or Trex or something) and just kept tweaking it and taking photos. I'd be down to accomplish this task, but I do not have the talent, patients, or Xbox 360 necessary to do so
This sounds interesting but would also, along with the hours it takes to create the map, take a large amount of time.
yeah, but once you started the map it would be easy to make minor addjustments and you would use a second player that didnt move for the photo taking process giving you a perfect angle
that would be pretty cool. . . . . . But it would take an incredible ammount of time. That second player for the picture taking, if you were to save and quit and restart the forge for another pic, the second player will spawn in a different location, so your perfect angle is no good. Plus, whats the point really? Cool concept, i just thought i'd say i have no interest in doing it, and i don't understand why you do. but i would watch it if you did it.
Time Consuming. Look Great. To be honest. i am saying it would be worth doing. i can think of about 3000 different people that would use it in their sig as a Motion Sig. Would Look Awesome.