Convict: Gametypes: MLG TS MLG CTF (haven't played in long time, not sure which specific one would suit, probably narrows if that still exists...) Team size: 4v4 Posting this for TaK, 'cause he asked nicely. Umm, well as many of you might know, I've been working on this for a long time... kinda... I started some time before June or something, then took a 6 month or so break then placed 4 or so objects and pronounced it finished. It also makes a damn good racetrack if I remember correctly... Well, it's fun to drive around on a mongoose in any case. So yeah, it's basically a prisoner inspired map that stretches from one of the back areas of foundry to the opposite corner. it spans three floors and has a custom power up and rockets as power weapons/items. I haven't actually managed to test it yet, due to timezone differences and everything it would be hard to do so so i'm just releasing it and letting everyone give their own feedback and all and i shall use that to make improvements. I only have 2$ left however so not everything will necesseraily be possible. Also, this was done without any of that ghost merging hax, which makes it slightly more impressive =P Finally, if Sarge makes any Convict/Australian jokes, I may very well slap him. Link: Convict Link: Convict
great job with the merging, it looks very clean. i will DL an play on it (probably tomorrow) and tell you what i think of the gameplay. as far as first impressions go, i think it looks a great map but correct me if i'm wrong it looks as though you can jump on to the crane, not sure how to corect that though with your $2 left.
It doesn't really matter that you can jump on the crane seeing as you don't achieve much by doing it.
yeah i see what you mean, its only another platform from which to shoot off of, and there are plenty of those already.
Looks like a great map - one of the few MLG maps I'll actually dl. The forging's smooth, and the merging is flawless. It's always great seeing Foundry maps still being made.
Seeing so many MLG maps being made these days, this has to be one of the smoothest I have played on. The lower levels of the map lack cover, but I can tell why you made the map the way it is and I believe MLG TS had to be the funnest. I assure you, this will definately follow Ignite's footsteps. Great work! "5/5"<--Im just wondering why people rate maps like this. If you are one of these people who type in "Oo nice interlocz so 120/5!" then you're stuipid.
Wow another amazing MLG map from Snake ! Very great man ... i really love your desing of the map with all bridge could go anywhere ! Very good man i give you a download !
i absolutely love your maps, this is definately annother to add to my list. your designs are so unique and the structures you forge are perfectly in harmony with the rest of the map, cant wait to play..
Wow beautiful merging, some of the best ive seen, and this site is my life (yah) Smoothest gameplay ever.Interlocking and geomerging is FLAWLESS, no lost grenades (thank god). Now I am fully prepared to get flamed for this, but something about this map seems almost........... i dont know a better word................ amateur. I dont know what it is, and not all of the map is. I really can not think what particularly and i did ponder this for quite some time. It just seems some parts are amateur. I guess just some of the designs, i really cant figure it out.
wow finally a mlg map that actually appeals to me. if this was the sort of thing they had in matchmaking instead of rubbish like amplified then i would probably play mlg a lot more. This is the first mlg map ive seen that i think could actually be worthy a feature.
Well look whos back in the game! Looks pretty smooth from the pics. I DLd and will check it out. I am happy to see you make another map but I was wandering what you had in store for us with Sandbox, oh well though. Cant wait to see it in person, I am no MLG pro but I know a good map when I see and play it. Ill let you know my final thoughts soon. p.s. Ivory Snake Architect in 2010 Edit: Dude, Amplified is Like amazing for its time, its like a year and a half old. Its a pioneer of the forging you see nowadays You probably didnt even know how to forge when it was made. Dont rag on other maps, just post your thoughts on this one. Edit: So I checked it out and its really smooth. Not built all super fancy and flashy, but a good solid map. It does at first seem a little open at the bottom, but with MLG settings, I dont really think its bad. I havent got to play it yet so if you ever run some games on it, hit me up. I would love to play it with its maker.