Remember Elongation? Wouldn't it be cool to have placeable conveyor belts in forge? I know I would love to have them available. Let me know what you think.
I'd like to have them but it's a pure gravy kind of addition. They have a pretty limited use. There are about two dozen other objects and features I'd prefer to have first.
It wont happen, it would require extra code and would have to be put in an auto-update. Bungie wouldn't waste their precious time on it.
you can make ur own conveyor belt. take a stationary object and place man cannons under it at the correwct distance and angle. this would make you move along without flying.
would be nice to have it like JKA' entity called t2_door, which u could just set its movement values to 100 0 0 instead of 0 0 100 or like that...of course it wasnt meant to be played MP but w/e ;D
They wouldn't have so much use. I want a sandtrap sized foundry map with elephants and ladders. Man, what I could do with them is crazy.