Hey there, Hubbers of the Forge! It's been a while, but don't worry, I'm still doing forge things and all that stuff. This time around I'm here to show you a co-forge with the dearest Mr. O-Fone. Now, this was the first time either Audience or myself tried our hand at forging a map with someone else. So with both of us being co-forge virgins, you can only imagine how anxious we were about how it would turn out. He's not kidding about those few hours, either. See, I'm the type of forger who usually plans out his map down to the very inch before going into forge, then taking about 5 minutes after placing each piece to inspect it. Audi on the other hand, is the complete opposite, jumping into forge on a whim and letting his ideas flow. And boy does he let those ideas flow fast! It was a bit of a struggle keeping up in the beginning, but I somehow managed to do it, and I think we can both say we had a really great time with our co-forge. (Something you don't hear from most first-times, am I right?) Weapons List and Layout: Spoiler Sniper - 0 spare clips - 90sec Railgun - 0 spare clips - 90sec Sticky Det - 1 space clip - 90sec DMRx2 - 2 spare clips - 45sec Frag Grenadex4 - 60sec Overshield - 180sec Before we go, we should say thanks to everyone who helped us out in testing this map. We've both been doing a lot of map testing and playing besides this, so a lot of names are starting to run together, but we really appreciate those that were there to help this map improve from it's beginning iterations. My hat is off to you, good sirs. Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out the map and let us know what you think!
Fun map is fun. Interesting methods in which to run around, constantly varied encounters, lots of movement and plenty of viable ways to play. I need to play this again some time now that I have a good grasp on the layout. Also, don't believe Audience, he's not chaste. We had a veery awkward co-forge once upon a time, hahaha.
Glad you like it, man. The design was never something we planned, but we checked it as we forged and made sure nothing was too powerful or undesirable. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Well, yes, but we never finished. This is my first successful co-forge and it wasn't filled by questions like "...so..." lol.
The brown coloring in the natural geography comes from the golden spotlights around the map. When it hits the cold grey stone, it warms it up. In all honesty it's part of why we started building here (for me, anyway).
Loved this map. It is fairly large but still plays great for a 2v2. Game flow is not constant on this map but not dead either, kind of like 'The Pit' where you stand your ground and observe from a advantageous position then you move onto the next after each firefight. Hope to see it in the competition.
You guys got a great layout here. Once again I feel like im falling off more and more. every once in a while I see a wave of maps that just seem to get further ahead of me. I cant keep up with you guys pumpin out these maps so fast when im running out (ran out) of ideas. Anyway, great layout. Awesome choice of natural geometry here cuz I don't really care for the dark asteroid texture so good job on that. Keep going down this track and I will be retiring soon.
Really great to hear, Hulk! Unfortunately I don't think I was there to get a game with you, but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself with this map. It definitely is on the larger side for 2v2, but as you said, it shouldn't be too difficult to locate your opponent given the callouts and ease of movement across the map. Zombeh! Don't say things like that! I still look up to you as one of the really great forgers around here, so please don't say you'll be retiring soon. I'm still waiting on something amazing from you to blow me away, like you did with the previous two Halos. I know you've still got it Nevertheless, thanks a lot for the kind words, man.