Convection Map made by Mearm. 2-10 players. Use with any gametype. Convection is my most recent map, and it took me around a month to complete because 1: I didn't work on it for a while, and 2: I had to start over due to not having enough items to make it as big as I wanted it to be. This is the final result, and I'm pretty happy with it. This map is greatly based off of one of my other maps called Subduction. This is where I got the name and the design for this map. One huge difference between the two; I interlocked the box floors together this time. Weapons on the map include: 2 assault rifles, 6 battle rifles, a shotgun, a sniper, 2 SMGs, a spiker, a magnum, 2 plasma rifles, 2 plasma pistols, 2 needlers, a brute shot, a carbine and 2 maulers. Equipment on the map includes: 2 frags, 8 plasma grenades, a bubble shield, a trip mine, a power drain, a regenerator, a grav lift and a deployable cover. The parts of the map that were made in the original design differ from the parts in this new one. I used the flooring and some of the structures from my first design in making this new one. This is the newer side that was made, and it is flat terrain, and very little structures in the area. This is the attacker's side of the map. This is the defender's part of the map. This is the older part of the map for the most part. This part has many structures, so this part requires some jumping to get around. Note that this is a symmetrical map in design, but its structures are asymetrical. There is an underground area in this map, just like in Subduction, but this time, the underground is more long-range based, and it is more indirect than Subduction's underground. Remember that a battle rifle can be very effective against anyone coming down the enemy stairway. The lower part of the map was completely changed from the older to the newer version. The older version was much larger, but it used too many supplies, so I had to cut it down on size, and change the layout a bit. The box in the middle was the only part of the old underground that was used for the new underground. Action Shots Long range combat is useful in the upper reigons of the map. The multitude of plasma grenades on the map makes for alot of sticks in a match. Stay away from my flag! Bomb battle to the death. My oddball now... The popup blocker. Credits First off, this map is not the same as Subduction, it is greatly based off of it. This map was the most time I've ever spent trying to complete a map. Thanks to Parune for taking pictures and testing. This map took the longest out of any of my maps because I had to start over on it. If you have any suggestions or comments, please post them. I worked hard on this map, so I hope you like it. Have fun! (I am the one in Steel and gold, Parune is the one in green and white.) Here is a link to the map:
Looks awesome from the pics. It kinda reminds me of Sanskrit v2 and Critical Strike, a 1v1 map with an arena feeling into it. But isn't 2 needlers and 2 maulers too much for a small map such as this? Also try to remove at least 2 equipment because I think that its too many. But still, good job. I'll download and check this out.
I love the layout and the neatness, but on some parts of the top floor it looks like a simple grenade jump is all that is needed to escape the map. Also, there are a few noticeable cracks in some of the outlying walls that grenades can be lost through. For these, I would just fuse a few more walls in there to eliminate the cracks. Other than that, excellent map. 9/10
The map is too high up to jump out of, you'd hit the invisible barrier for the ceiling. As for the walls, I'd have to use at least one more wall on each side to make up for the gap from the merging, and I don't have any more walls. The needlers don't affect gameplay all that much, and there is 1 on each floor. With the maulers I was going for something like The Pit with 1 mauler in each base. EDIT: Oh and the needler and mauler each have 1 extra clip and spawn every 45 seconds.
this map looks so cool. it seem like it is a perfect 1v1 or team doubles match. the forging looks great and everything seems realy clean. this map seems so much fun. the weapons seem ok. not sure how the sniper fits in but ok. ill give it a 4.5/5. nice map man
The overall design of the map is very pleasing to both the eye and to gameplay. My favorite parts are the underground area and that long high ramp area featured in one of your pictures. The aesthetic build of this map is both eye-candy and useful at the same time; great job integrating those two! My only suggestion would be to remove a couple of the equipment items...personally, the energy drainer and the regenerator feel like too much. But that's up to you; though I must say I enjoy using the gravity lift and deployable cover...both are very satisfying on this map, as they immediately give you the element of surprise or an advantage over your enemy, cover-wise. I'm glad that you included the equipment, as many people don't use that stuff at all nowadays. Again, other than those miniscule spots, this map is fantastic, and I look forward to it being featured (not a promise, I don't have that kind of power...). Great job!
Hmm it does kind of remind me of sanskrit v2 lol Yes this map does look very nice, you found a way to get a bottom floor without wasting too much money on it and you got a good 1v1 map from it good job
The map looks fun for 2v2.It probably plays better than 2 0r 3 2v2 tourney maps.The weapon setup looks nice and the map looks clean. The only thing i'n not sure of is the gravlift.Can u escape the map with it?IDK but the overall map is very nice
awesome map, it looks like it has a great blend of CQB and long-range combat, which is hard to do. Also, the floating boxes are amazing, because it is really hard to do that.
wow this is so awesome! multiple levels, inclosed area, the map looks great, looks like a lot of patience ran away in the making of this, 5/5 (do i smell a feature?)
Hey good map, one question is there a tunnel going from each underground section or am i off riding the Rainbow Highway, singing with fairies and telling Linubidix he's a stalker? EDIT AFTER LINUBIDIX'S BODYGUARDS FIND ME: I DIDN'T MEAN IT I SWEAR
There are no tunnels, just 2 halves of the underground. The pictures show pretty much all of the underground, and there is an entrance to the underground in each base.
Omg i love this map! it seems a lil small, but that doesn't take away from its awesomeness!! 4.%/5, and a DL