
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Frito92, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Ififrito92

    Recommended Players: 2-8 Players
    Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA Slayer, CTF, Assault, Oddball...
    Items on Map: 1 sniper, 1 rocket launcher, 1 shotgun, 5 BR's, 2 needlers, 4 plasma grenades, 4 frags, 2 maulers, 1 plasma pistol, 1 camo, and 1 overshields.

    Contusion is an assymetrical map made by Ififrito92 that supports team slayer, ctf, assault, ffa slayer, and ffa oddball. This map is best for 4v4 but still works with larger parties.

    There are several key aspects to this map: A sweet sniper tower with 3 different entry and exit points, rocket perch, elevator to sniper tower, stair bank, two symmetrcal bases, and amazing aesthetics... The gameplay is fast paced and utilizes every part of the map accordingly. It also plays well with MLG gametypes. Overall, Contusion is an awesome map and is definitely worthy of a download...DOWNLOAD HERE! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details


    Camo Room

    Overview 1

    Elevator to Sniper Tower

    Blue Base

    Sniper Tower

    Stair Bank

    Overview 2

    ENJOY!!!!! =] Download : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Wu pmouse and Resix like this.
  2. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Hey Frito,

    Your title only needs to be the title of your map, anything after that is against ForgeHub standard.
    We like to keep it clean and tidy here, unlike the Bungie forums.

    To fix this you only need to click on edit and click on "go advanced". From there you can edit your title and save. Good work on your (apparent) first posted map!
    #2 Creeping Death, Oct 14, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  3. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah, i fixed the title, thanx for the tip though, i am new to forgehub so i need all the tips i can get, glad u like my map i should be postin a new one soon...=] i made an awesome remake of Guardian on foundry, u have to see it , its awesome! =]
  4. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Aesthetics of this map are pretty good in some parts and not so much in other parts. On the competitive perspective i think gameplay would be intense but i see a flame grenade competitive maps usually dont have those because of good reasons. the layout of the map looks great with good cover as well

    Edit: if you need any other help just pm me
  5. BaronSharp

    BaronSharp Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can see it now: endless fun. I can already see ambushes, clever grendade throws, and even some interesting one flag gametypes.

    For interlocking, precise weapon placement, and just an overall good feel to the map:

    Superb. I give ou three 5/5's.
  6. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow dood!
    Great looking map! Really!
    If i had anymore room on my xbox i would download it.
    The only thing that i would want to see is more of the side where you stood the stairs up towards the back! Gezz man you can't forget those pics!
    Well good job and keep up the good work!
  7. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    actually, the flame grenades are just there in the screenshots, i decided to take them off in the final draft of the map, so you don't have to worry about that...
    dowload it and check it out for yourself...=]
  8. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    holy crap man, this map is so freakin good lookin, it is indded a work of art, it would be a must feature if u made a v2 and a must dl
    EDIT: srry i couldnt give proper feedback i was bein rushed to do my HW but now im bak so,onto the things u need to fix, i think the halls or walkways or whatever seem kinda close-quartered and if it is, try to open it up more (i kno forgin is hard, thats why i sed try) and maybe add more wepons and equipment on the map and maybe more cover for v2, but other than that the map looks great, cant wait to play on it and i will get bak to u on how the map feels and plays but anyways 5/5
  9. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    thanx for the positive feedback...i should be posting my remake of guardian i made on foundry soon!
  10. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    HEY GUYS! I need some feedback on this map cuz i am gonna make a v.2 pretty please comment on anything you would like to see changed! =]

    p.s. i already took out the flame grenades...
  11. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG this map is so epic win. everyone should go download it and play it now!!!!!! (.Y.) <===== BOOBS
  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    First, no double posting, second, no triple posting. That's spam. I'm nt going to report you because you are new and I sorta like you, but If you wanna change what you said simply edit your first post with a button in the bottom right corner of your post. Second, I reccomend having a label thingy (preview or whatever, the little tag at the beginning) so that people know this is on foundry.

    Third, Epic win on your first map. I see a few small issues, and the bak side of the elevated stairs causes a grenade trap, but other than that good job. The gameplay is also A little interesting, and there is a small issue with spawn killing. If you send me a fr over xbl -jex yoyo- and clean up that triple post I'll gladly give you some tips for v2.

    Finally, welcome to forgehub!

    Edit: this is what you should do if you need to say something else. Also your last post says nothing useful, which is also considered spam. Consider yourself warned.
    #12 Jex Yoyo, May 30, 2010
    Last edited: May 30, 2010
  13. i PhainTT

    i PhainTT Forerunner

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    I like this map alot.

    The game flow is nice and I could tell first time playing you put alot of time into it.


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