This map was made within 9 hours. It is incredibly well forged with many different paths to get across the map/take control of the map. This map has yet to be tested out so if you would like to help test it and be in the film that will be in this forum message i ImpROBable on xbox live. thanks for the help! Map forged by: i ImpROBable, Fame28, I SLAPSHOT I, Curious Bigfoot, and Kuruptiion Weapons: Sniper x2 120 second respawn Rocket x1 180 second respawn Needle Rifle x3 30 second spawn DMR x6 30 Second spawn Frags x4 20 second spawn plasmas x4 20 second spawn Uploaded with Uploaded with
sick map. lovin the upper walk ways but would prefer if the bottom could have more of a solid floor. nice symmetrical map though is there a ceiling? im not on xbl right now but am interested in testing with you GT: R4PTORxJESUS
there is no ceiling but there is a lot of asthetics that make it look like your enclosed in a dorm. also i forgot to take a picture but there are a lot of walkways underneath and there is a pretty solid bottom. Ill add you so i can test it maybe tomorrow or something
looks like a great very fun map. I would love to test this with you my GT is the same as my user name SNiPeRBaiT636
As soon as I'm done Campaign (last mission, I think) I'll be available for testing. I think I'll join the tester's guild sometime soon, and I'll also put "TESTER AVAILABLE" in my sig. So, ya, maybe by tomorrow I'll be available to help you out. Just look under my pic to see my GTag, I don't know why people say what theirs is when it's so friggin obvious...