DOWNLOAD MAP HERE This is my first map post so i hope you guys like it....the photos dont really do the map justice I found its funner than it looks. Ok so basically this map is an asymetrical map. The preffered game types are Team Slayer and FFA slayer. I didnt set up spawn points for anything else. I will probally make a version with CTF or Neutral Bomb...but thats all depending on what you guys think of my map. Heres whats on this map Weapons: Assault Rifle x2 Battle Rifle x6 Shotgun x1 Sniper Rifle x1 SMG x4 Spiker x2 Magnum x2 Plasma Rifle x1 Needler x1 Brute Shot x1 Spartan Laser x1 Energy Sword x1 Carbine x4 Mauler x1 Beam Rifle x1 and there is one machine gun turret set to never respawn....and it doesnt cover a lot so you dont have to worry about getting killed with it over and over again Equipment: Frag x6 Plasma Grenade x6 Spike Grenade x2 Bubble Shield x2 Regenerator x2 There is also 3 mongooses Im just not going to tell you guys where the weapons or anything is.....i prefer you guys find those yourselves Now For the pics. This is the catwalk tower....the start of the ramp is on the backside and it goes all the way around to the top This is the Central Tower. basically you can jump anywhere from here. This is my Jumping stair case. Just so you have to work at getting to the top. This is The snipe tower. It has only one way in. The bunker. those double boxes on the bottom are open which is where you have to go through to get to the top One of the many Ways to the top.
seems good for a first time poster, and the maps not bad at all, nice job on the interlocking it looks really nice
Looks cool 3/5 i like how you have to get up to that tower theres a little bit of the fence wall that you have to walk up that curves around the building. Good job Keep Forging!
great first post, map looks decent, interlocking in the first pic is great, i know thats difficult, geomerging would make this nicer, but i couldnt geomerge on my first map, so good job. 4/5
looks good for a first post. i like the layout of the , but some more interlocking would give it a smoother feel. pretty good, 3.7/5