Hello all, Neil here again with another map for you. With the help of my brother, I present the Control Room. If you've played any of the older Halos, you'll remember that there are gigantic control rooms with huge maps of Halo and the surrounding solar system. That was the idea we were going for with this map. As for the actual gameplay, the map is great for 4v4, FFA, and multi-team matches. weapon specs: 4 DMR 2 Needle Rifles 2 Needlers 2 Shotguns 2 Grenade Launchers 2 Magnums 2 Plasms Pistols 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sniper Rifle 4 Plasma Grenades 4 Frag Grenades 3 Health Stations Now, onto some pictures View of the center hub, showing solar system display and second tier. Bottom of center hub has 6 intersecting shield doors to sustain display above. Long hallways run underneath both sides of Room. Display generator hub contains rocket launcher. 10 second soft kill boundary to simulate radiation damage. Sniper rifle located on second tier in front of control panel. Shield doors in the middle of the lower hallways give some protection against snipers and rockets. Wide open room to fight near the center hologram display. Hope you enjoy the map download it, play with it; any feedback would be greatly appreciated. matt says Hi