My first map on this thread. with in it consists of 1 rocket (One spare clips). A Sniper rifle (Single spare clip), A Shot gun (Single spare clip), a Carbine , several BRs, and at last a brute shot (no spare clips). This map is good for Slayer only 1 vs 1 , Doubles and 3 vs 3 are most Compatible. My Idea was to create a map of symetrical influences but making a large part of winning map control. Free for alls along with team duals are great on the map as well. The link to download is right here. Remember this is only My 3rd best map I've created. My next map that I will Release will be my personal best. Remeber the name Split shots.
from the pictures your map looks good. however have you consired using interlocking objects glich which would get rid of all those gaps between the boxes on the floor. if you want to no more about it look at the forging 101 section on the main page. i will dl anyway as it looks like a good map
Now this map, this looks fun. I really love those pit type things, I always loved some form of lowered area blended together with a regular elevated plain.
well, this looks good, but you definately could have interlocked a lot more, and it would have made it look nicer as well
I got out by crouching through here within the first twenty seconds of playing this map.. it looks rushed. try and close stuff like this off a little more A simple grenade jump easily got me out from above. also, the fusion coil explosions at the top increase the chance of an explosion sending you out of the map. I don't know if you know about this ledge but it is an easily overlooked part of foundry. either an explosion or the shield will get you up there, and i can walk either way to get out. the shield also worked for the walls i grenade jumped over. This map looks like it has some interesting gameplay, especially with the grav lift elevator in the middle, but you should really interlock more boxes and leave out gaps. it really ruined the flow of the map and i am sure that you could easily get stuck while playing. shotgun at the top was another thing i didnt like. 2/5 just because of the time it looks like you spent doing this and the lack of forging techniques EDIT: sorry for the small pics, i saved them wrong.. if you want bigger ones look in my fileshare
ooo knight u really wrked there. Today me nd gobbles broke my new map, then releazid we hadnt... we also broke the griffball arena (as if anyone didnt know how to get out there) and... i forgot the name but it was a rugby map... anyway, we broke tht too. On to the map. Looks nice, neat and interesting. Yes, interlocking would def improve this nd follow knights instructions nd this map will be 10 times better than it already is... ill DL tho cause it looks sweet