Sandbox Contortion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Canadians360, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Hey. This is my second map Contortion. Its an "S" shaped map thats made for any gametypes but works best with any two team gameplay. I built it with sheer gameplay not aesthetics in mind, but it looks good too. My map was built to feature vehicles but at the same time not let them be as powerful as when they're in the wide open.

    There are two main bases with two floors but the top floor is very open. Then next to the bases are two sub bases that have a grave lift entrance and a ramp entrance. There are also two side bunkers for some cover for those travaling on foot.

    Besides an over sheild the very middle is fairly open which is where you are fairly open and most confrontations will take place.


    Here's a Main Base





    Each main base has:

    BR's- 2x
    Plasma Sticks- 2x
    Spikers or SMG's- 2x
    Regenerator- 1x


    Mauler- 1x
    Energy Drain- 1x
    Frag Grenades- 2x

    Mongoose- 2x
    Wharthog- 1x

    Here is a Sub-Base




    Each Sub-Base has:

    Around the sides:
    Plasma Pistol- 1x
    Plasma Rifle- 1x
    Bubble shield- 1x
    Frag Grenades- 2x

    On top:

    BR's- 2x
    Plasma sticks- 2x
    Spikers or SMG's- 2x
    Magnum- 1x
    Regenerator- 1x

    Heres a Side Bunker
    * You WILL DIE if you jump over the wall * :)

    Each Bunker has:
    Carbine- 1x
    Needler - 1x
    Trip mine- 1x

    Heres a Rocket Platform

    The Plattform has:
    Rocket Launcher- 1x
    Fussion Coils- 2x

    Heres The Middle


    The middle has an over shield- 1x

    Well thats about it this is my second posted map. I put a fair bit of work into this and I'm alway open to sugestions. It was fairly hard to get good pictures but me and my friens have a blast on this map and it creates alot of fantastic kill moments that you talk about for a week or so. I spent a long time balancing out weapon placement and tweeking the spawn times. I know its my map but I think its really well built for fair intense fun I hope you all enjoy it.

    Please comment and rate :)

    #1 Canadians360, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This looks alright, not too bad but there's nothing really special. Sorry to sound harsh too. But there are too many weapons too close together. Like 2 spikers, 2 Br's together. Also, 2 mongooses right next to eachother, hha you like pairs of twos??
  3. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    I think this map is way to open. You can shoot across the whole map from corner to corner. Make your structures more dominating, taller, like the huge bases on Valhalla, like super-tall, buildings, for cover and effect. You should also block off those corners that you half-blocked, you could get over them.

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks good but the only thing is lots of people are only putting pictures of the maps, i would like toi see more gameplay so that i could have a little more to look at.
  5. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    This is something I've been waiting for- a good Crypt map that promotes vehicle use, but also has just the right amount of cover. The thing that disappoints me, however, is that there aren't really any fancy, unique aesthetics. I suggest making a v2 with some type of unique structure(s) that stand out. An overall 4.5/5
  6. Callum

    Callum Ancient
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    Awsome JOB AGAIN

    Hey man Im glad i caught your new map. Its really awsome. It took a while to get some friends together to play on it but it was worth the wait. As usual you smoothed thing out realyyyyyy nice and I love how you took the area and made it twice as long with the swurvy design.

    You really make both bases exactly the same for every little detail which is cool. But you migth want to relocate the bubble shield maybe swap it with the power drain. Other than that your map is sick (I got an over kill on your map by the way)

    So For Me 5/5 ):0

    OH: can you tell me when you make your next one so I don't have to look for threads started by you all the time. Thnx
  7. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Well pretty nice map. A great variety of weapons. Maybe just too many regens, bubble shields, trip mines etc. Also i don't know if a warthog and a chopper will be very good in the crypt. Overall good job 4/5
  8. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    EDIT: To answer some statements above, yea there is a few weapons but I did test gameplay and the weapons when listed seem crowded but they realy arent I may split up all the duals though that's a good point. Besides the middle is a little dry of weapones sort of like a DMZ if u know what I mean please download before making remarks on cover and such it really needs to be played to be seen in perspective and thanx for all the quick feed back everyone

    Its Open on top but you can always jump down I'll try and work on asthetic pieces that also provide cover by the way if u go over the wall you die no way not to download and try if u don't believe me I tested that for a long time.

    EDIT: wow i'm getting lots of feedback its great. The reasone there is so much stuff is because I wanted It to play kind of like the area above but I wanted the vehicles to be less powerfull.

    For V2 Which ill start after I finish my next map 95% done. Ill be shure to delete the dual wielding add more esthetics and possibly take out the trip mines. I will start running tests on a map tweeked with your guys feedback and probably have a V2 out by maybe next week thanks for all the help again
  9. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Hit me up when you are ready to test the v2. My GT is PELGORE.

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