Contortion V2 By: Canadians360 Hey Everyone Thanks For The Advice Please Keep Sending Suggestions As you can see I am listening with my new and improved V2 map. Hey. This is my second map Contortion V2. Its an "S" shaped map thats made for any gametypes but works best with any two team gameplay. I built it with sheer gameplay not aesthetics in mind, but it looks good too. My map was built to feature vehicles but at the same time not let them be as powerful as when they're in the wide open. There are two main bases with two floors but the top floor is very open. Then next to the bases are two sub bases that have a grave lift entrance and a ramp entrance. There are also two side bunkers for some cover for those travaling on foot. Besides an over sheild the very middle is fairly open which is where you are fairly open and most confrontations will take place. AND NOW FOR SOME PICS Here's a Main Base NOTE: This is the new view from one base to another. As you can see cross map sight has been cut down alot. Each main base has: Top: BR's- 2x Plasma Sticks- 2x Spikers or SMG's- 1x Regenerator- 1x Bottom: Mauler- 1x Energy Drain- 1x Frag Grenades- 2x Mongoose- 2x Wharthog- 1x Chopper-1x Here is a Sub-Base Each Sub-Base has: Around the sides: Plasma Pistol- 1x Plasma Rifle- 1x Bubble shield- 1x Frag Grenades- 2x On top: BR's- 1x Plasma sticks- 2x Spikers or SMG's- 2x Magnum- 1x Regenerator- 1x Heres a Side Bunker * You WILL DIE if you jump over the wall * Each Bunker has: Carbine- 1x Needler - 1x NO TRIP MINE (srry old pic getting new one soon) Heres a Rocket Platform The Plattform has: Rocket Launcher- 1x Fussion Coils- 2x Heres The Middle The middle has an over shield- 1x Well thats about it this is my second posted map. I put a fair bit of work into this and I'm alway open to sugestions. It was fairly hard to get good pictures but me and my friens have a blast on this map and it creates alot of fantastic kill moments that you talk about for a week or so. I spent a long time balancing out weapon placement and tweeking the spawn times. I know its my map but I think its really well built for fair intense fun I hope you all enjoy it. Please comment and rate *SOME OF THE PICS ARE OLD VERSION HAVE IT FIXED IN A FEW MINUTES BUT THE ONES WITH SHIELD DOORS AND MORE COVER IS THE NEW VERSION.* PS: AS YOU CAN SEE IM TAKING ADVICE SERIOUSLY SO ANY CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE WOULD BE GREAT! Thnx again Edit Here is what I changed: I removed the trip mines Took out a BR from each sub base Took out one SMG or Spiker from each sub base and main base Added some cover to each sub base with a long wedge placed a shield door on each main base to limit cross map view. Added some asthetics such as Large columns and Two ramp poles I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE TWEEKS
I really like the idea, and the effort put into it. could use a bit more complexity though, seems a bit open to me. (note: you double-posted some of your screenshots)
Hey Got Your message about this v2 map. Again nice job of fixing the little things you really stay on top of stuff and I like that about you. nice job I now officialy give you 5/5 since you were so quick to respond to feed back.
Help??? Does any one know how to get rid of an old thread since my contortion thread is still only a few maps below this one ?
There we go! Now it's perfect I'm DLing now! Now you get your much-deserved 5/5. I can't wait to play it!
I'm glad you guys like all the changes i know I do thanks for all the great ideas/feedback I was only able to get a three vs three game last night but overall the playability has improved greatly. I owe alot of thanks to you guys and to anyone else keep the feedback coming.
Yea this is MUCH better. Finally there is some cover, there could still be alittle more, but this will work fine since this map is based on vehicle use. Umm I do like the pillars, they add sort of a tall feeling(w/e that means ) great job, 4/5
Thanx to everyone who was willing to take a look at the new version of my map. Imglad u all like the changes. And to any new visitors please send me feedback I really do listen and am always looking for things to improove.thnx again
Underappreciated I don't know why everyone said you needed more art in your map. You did a great job of embedding the collored columns into the bases and bunkers. You also put lights inside your mini bases which let's them glow without blinding anyone plus your grav lifter things work great. The point I'm getting at is people always know where they are and your so called art is in the map actually adding functionality instead of getting in the way not to many people do that so I thought I'd bring it to everyone atention.
Your notice is noticed Hey I'm glad u noticed all the work I put into all the base identifiers I was starting to think people just didn't notice that stuff unless it was done poorly. Thanx for taking so much time reviewing my map. I just wish I could get more feedback like yours.
Attention anyone who likes my work I'm looking for some advice on a nearly complete map and want some input if you could help I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. Its a normal map for all 2 team variants and I started on it before Contortion its called Junction and ill be sure to give thanks and or help you when you ever need it. Here is an embedded pic: Spoiler
I realy like the whole S shape and the bases , I like the very nice merging of the colored colom becouse everytime i see it in maps its just looks out of place but not here grate job 4.5 idk maby its just the pictures but the second floor near the seter looks a bit empty but u got my dl on thursday
Hey I checked out your map junction those gard-rails must have been a pain to put in. You should fix the small holes like you said and merge the man canons into the ground. Then get the map tested it will realy help if u visit a testing thread
this looks like your standard base 'n' alleys map huh. still i see interlocking and thats a plus. overall good layout and looks like fun to play big team Vehicle CTf. good job 4/5
It's a thread There is a specific thread for map testers I'm not sure exactly how to submit a map to them though I would read their forum guide lines. Hope this helped.