Contest Zone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jebby457, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
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    What is Contest Zone? This is an asymmetrical Foundry map that mixes competitive and casual gameplay together to create an unusual playing experience. It caters for 4 - 12 players and is best compatible with Team Slayer, Oddball and KOTH gametypes. Due to the complete lack of symmetry in this map, I found it near impossible to make good CTF and Assault spawns, though these are still fun to play. Infection works extremely well on this map.

    What are its main features? Contest Zone has very little structure, but is instead filled with many different 'novelty' sections. All of these areas can be accessed in different ways, bringing in an element of ninja attacks into the fray! The centre of the map has a small two-storey building with a large flat roof that enables players to access the other high areas with ease. On one side are two 'chutes' - both are accessed by teleporters on the side of the central building. One chute takes you to the top of the side platform and the other chucks you across the map, often landing you on the central roof.

    At the front of the map is a Ghost pit. This is completely symmetrical and has one Ghost on each side parked on to a ramp. In Team Slayer, players will reach the Ghosts at roughly the same time, creating some awesome midair collisions. The pit can be accessed at ground level as well, allowing normal gameplay to flow around the Ghost battles in the pit. It is possible for the Ghosts to escape the pit if they reverse over the pit wall - this can create mayhem with one loose in the main area. There is also a massive suspended platform above the Ghost pit that has been geomerged into the ceiling. This gives players an incredible vantage point and a sniper shot at pretty much every area of the map.

    It is also worth mentioning that on the other side of the central building is another teleporter that is lodged between two walls. This throws you into another chute that takes you on to the first floor of the building.

    In the two 'prongs' of Foundry, there is various cover geomerged into the ground and walls. There is also a little weapons room for pure novelty reasons that is stuffed with pistols and SMGs.

    Why Version 1? I confess that this is only my second serious Forging attempt, though I reckon this map has been made up to a pretty high standard. However, my knowledge of spawn and weapon placement is limited and advice on this would be appreciated. Thanks! ;)


    The central building

    The chutes

    The Ghost pit

    The suspended platform

    Outside shot of side tunnel

    Inside shot

    A corner of the map

    Thanks for downloading and I hope you enjoy this map. I have thrown in a lot of tactical opportunities into this map - I hope you can make use of them while playing. Advice and feedback would be great. Thanks! Jebby
  2. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Nicee, Not totally sure why you chose the name contest zone? lol Anyways, i really like the map idea, and how it supports so many gametypes. Also, a very good job on the interlocking and such. Nice touch with the chutes and the ghost pit as well. Good job 4/5.

    PS: first:)
  3. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
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    I called it Contest Zone because I liked the image of this being some kind of building that two massive armies were fighting over to win a war. Bit of a weird name, but I've seen stranger lol. Thanks for the zippy feedback anyway. :D
  4. BiffTech

    BiffTech Ancient
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    Jebby, it looks like you've put a lot of effort & thought into this map. I've played on your creations before, & they've always been fun. However, this looks like your best map to date. I look forward to having fun on this, with you & the rest of the lads... Well done mate.

  5. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    your map is quite sloppy but it does play well you just need to improve the neatness of your future maps to get them to those 5 stars. i thought that the underground paths worked really well in the gameplay but the ghoast pit seemed rather pointless but good idea.
    so if your looking to improve you already vast forging skills check out BL00D F1R3;s forge schoool on youtube it has really helped me with my forging.

    next time can you be more specific with your comment and state what ideas you liked because to me it just seems like your spamming
  6. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
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    Thanks for the further feedback. I'll give that Forging school a look.

    I don't have much time for Forging these days, hence I tend to start one structure and then cut it short. All of my map attempts contain bits and pieces rather than one solid structure and I appreciate that that's where the skill is. I think my bit and pieces were pretty good though. :D
  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    the ghost pit seemed a little pointless.I did see some bumps just by looking at the screenshots, also the interlocking is very sloppy at some parts so your going to work on that for those fivestars. So a bit of a breakdown right here:very sloppy interlocking, but a unique idea. Just a tip, dont ever make stairs floating in the air like you did, it looks very sloppy.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Oh wow you supprised me with this map. I thuoght it would be another push over map but this looks neatly done and well thuoght out. I dont know how the map well react too all the different gametypes But seems fun with Infection. Many features thats makes it seem like a map above the averge. 4/5? ;)
  9. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    the interlocking issloopy but okay the ghost pit does seem use less
    i mean if i see some one in their with a ghost i would just not go into
    it but it is uquice idea just keep working at it good effort
    keep forging! by the way no D/L from me AAnd 2.9/5
  10. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
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    Thanks for further replies - I'm surprised I've had as many posts as this. I have to disagree on the comments about sloppy interlocking, especially as the map was only judged by screenshots. I made sure that the playable parts of the map were flawlessly interlocked - it is possible that people perceived bumps because I used lumpy walls to make floors in some places. There is one bump on the central roof, but that is intentional to represent a BR-holding block. The map has some unusual structures that use unconventional designs, so many sticking-out pieces are intentional. If you haven't downloaded it and judged it by the pictures, give it a go and you'll find the interlocking very smooth.

    Interesting point about the floating stairs. I'm not really bothered about making my maps pretty, only good to play on. I will bear that suggestion in mind for future maps though and will use a bridge instead.

    As for the Ghost pit, that gets used a lot in big games. Pointless it may be, but it sure is a lot of fun in the game and that is what this map is designed for.

    Could I have some advice on spawn and weapon placement for this map? There are a lot of weapons on this map, many of them purely for fun reasons and the spawns were a lot of guesswork. This is my second time placing spawnpoints with any thought and I have no idea whether it's right or not.
  11. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Having played this a fair bit I can say that the interlocking is fine in the playable areas. What the map lacks in aesthetics it makes up for with playability, it really does work well. One thing that could be improved a little is the ghost pit - while entertaining it currently does not operate as a pit, instead people take the ghost all over the place. Still, an excellent map and well worth a download in my opinion.
  12. Velheka

    Velheka Ancient
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    I like this map. I love the fact it is an all round map for most gametypes. Basically a new foundry, but better in my opinion.

    Only think I don't really like is the Ghost, and with a little bit of work the map would be much better without any vehicles on it.

    4.5/5 - A nice all round map, very good!

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