Contest Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dobam, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Contest Map Pack

    Made By : DANJESS99 and IISharpFoxII .

    Description : This map pack will be compose of 3 or 6 map ( Its not choose ) . Its a Conquest map pack .

    First map is Face-Up

    There is the pics :



    Second map is Station 097 ( Name could be change if you have suggestion )



    Third map could be a Egyptian map .

    Maybe 3 other map could come .

    We need tester for this two map so if you want just say it !
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Putting fast vehicles on the map such as mongooses and ghosts in conquest could allow someone to capture territories behind the other team, and causing problems. The only way to prevent this and keep the vehicles would be to place large numbers of heavy weapons so a vehicle could be quickly disbatched.
  3. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    On the map sation 097 on each side they have a mine , a detachable turret and a spike nade but we gonna do a BTC Gametype .
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    ill test, and the map looks good. make sure your floors aren't flat for the ghosties and mongeese. keep elevation changes very common, and the floors wide so a ghost cant just boost through and get an overkill. if i were you i would make the ghost spawn at start no after 45 secs. make it spawn from the sky and than block the entrance after 60 sec so you get 1 never respawning ghost.
  5. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Conquest settings don't allow you to enter vehicles anyways, I'm not sure why they're even placed there.
  6. IISharpFoxII

    IISharpFoxII Ancient
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    The map Station 097 is a try to a new kind of conquest; BTC (Big Team Conquest). I made a game variant for it. (longer capture etc)

    It's a first version. We put vehicules and "anti-vehicules" gun and accesories (onlydeployable turret, trip mines, spike grenades and a rocket) The map is equilibrate. After tested a game on it, we was very optimism. The gameplay was incredible. This king of game need you to play tactically.

    We want you to post what you think about this "new" conquest (BTC)

    PS; we run out of money
    This is a picture showing the elevation on "Face-up"
    #6 IISharpFoxII, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol bless :)

    Umm..first up, i like the aestethics in Station 097.. the name seems fairly relevant which is cool. Seems a lot like my conquest map (and this is why it failed) its very flat.. theres hardly any height change. From what i can see anyway...

    I also had a problem with long sight lines which you seem to have too.. I did try shield doors to oppose this but testing wasnt successful.

    I've got a while before my ISP is changed so I could try create a new conquest map? How long is the map pack gonna be going with submissions?
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The vehicles should be fine then since they will be prime targets but you really should be using vehicles as mobile weapons platforms, rather than transport, since a mongoose would simply place people behind enemy lines. The bridges are really nice to give a chance a defence and help take down vehicles with the rockets. Sadly the floor needs some texture to make driving difficult and possibly even a jump up at each end to keep vehicles limited to central sections once they enter this. I say sadly because this may necesitate the removal of that great roof you put on there.

    Now I know you will say hell no to this
    Could you put a wraith on here. The wraith would be extremely powerful but slow, and with the confined width, it would be easily boarded from the side walkway as it advanced.
    I assume you have played ODST on the ONI level with wraiths rushing forward. I have no idea if this would work but it seems to be worth a try.
  9. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    I'll help test them. And from the looks of it, the maps are coming along fine. I'm particularly interested in trying out the map with the vehicles.
  10. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    The second map looks verry nice asentricly, but it will probably be hard to work the vehicles in. Also, the later pictures of the elevation look veryyyyyy cool because verticality is always nice. The only suggestion i haz is to in the first picture turn the blocks on their sides so you don't get the symbols and you get twice the coverage. (unless you were trying to make all the symbols show....) Anyways, they both look nice and I'll help test whenever
  11. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I like the idea of BTC, my conquest map is like a BTB version, due to the fact that it's larger than most. If your BTC really takes off think of the new styles of conquest maps. Kinda like the halo 2 BTB territories, just linear. Anyway onto your maps they look very nice i can't wait for them to come out. Look top notch to me though i can't say for certain since i haven't played on them.
  12. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Sign me up for testing!
    GT: Gunnergrunt
  13. IISharpFoxII

    IISharpFoxII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Face-up; ready

    (New name) Station B4; i put some more cover and block the access of the vehicules to the ennemy territory. I tested a 5v5 on it, it was very cool, but it's can be more cool; not ready.

    Third map; 20% completed
  14. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Third map comming up Maybe this week . So enjoy guys !

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