Contempt I have been working on this map on and off for about two weeks now. It was made completely from scratch in Sketchup. I am not finished with this map, I still need to add all of the little details and such. I will try to keep this updated as much as possible until completion. _________________________________________________ Pictures ***NEW*** ***Old*** _________________________________________________ Video _________________________________________________ Updates • (04/01/08) Starting back up this weekend, you can expect more updates soon. • (04/02/08) Added animated gif with updated images. • (04/04/08) Updated map, lots of changes, added another animated gif.
Re: Contempt Wow, it looks great so far. Are you going to send it in to Bungie or something or is going to try and be forged?
Re: Contempt wow that looks amazing! ive got a map im gonna try and draw but it will suck compared to yours..i think grav lifts on either side from the bottom would be cool.. kinda like a lockout/construct
OMG this looks awesome when i saw those pictures i nealy had a picturegasm, so are they just some 3d models you made or are you trying to make it into a map on forge? anyway i gotta go downlaod this sketchup thing EDIT changed to 3d models
that door and stairs looks like the house they built for the program tutorial. it looks the same, but SWEET map, those pathways on the side remind me of lockout, or should i say blackout
Im officially amazed. Slap some colours on that and save it as a seperate file. I would like to see it in colour. The shape is really good. For future help though, the middle areas look a little too empty, and also the giant glas thing wouldnt be so practical as what if players ran on it.
why have all my posts from last night been deleted? something with the server? Anyway, the map looks awesome. One suggestion though would be to add cover in between bases especially on the bottom floor, because right now it's a deathtrap. Otherwise it's awesome, you should recreate it in unrealed or hammer or some other map making program so you could use it in a real game.
I will be doing all of the texturing after the model is complete, otherwise, for me, they are distracting durring the modeling process. The class "floor" is actually going to be a door that opens, like in halo 3. I haven't decided wether or not I want it transparent (glass) or a solid door, either way it will not be breakable glass. As for the abundant open space, I wanted to leave it that way with other models that can be added later (soon after map completion) similar to the idea of forge. When I am finished, I will have a default map layout with objects (boxes, crates, dividers, dumpsters, vehicals (for show only), ect) placed on the map.
awesomeness. just needs scenery and this map would be more awesomeness than it already is. ?. Purple star'd dun dun dunnn
WOW! I suck with sketchup so it amazes me to see complete maps made in it! h and the map looks awesome!
I really want to try and Forge this. This is absolutely amazing I would love to see it as a Halo 3 map. Project, you have skills, my friend.
Thanks a lot guys, it means more than you think. It's comments like these that keep me doing what I do.
I am not going to lie when I say this should be brought upon Bungie when you are done with it, Project. I am usually against this type of thing, but I think I want to email a Bungie staff this when it is finalized because the map looks like it was done by a professional. I love the idea.