Containment Th33 g0dfath3r This is a MLG type map. This symetrical map is nothing more than a square. When you start you will spawn in one of the corners and more on from there. Containment has long hallways, great for grenades and BR's. This is a small game type map of MlG slayer 2v2/3v3. any bigger and its no fun. pictures: [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [url= copy and paste URL
no download link to fix this problem you need to copy and past url of the download oh yeah wooot first post who cares really lol
hi godfather, the map is ok but i think it dont really looks like and MLG map! U should fix the interlocking objects. i lie the layout but all in all this not an amazing map. 2/5
The layout looks good but not for an mlg map, what I would do is remove some of the walls around the edge so they don't have so much lazy cover
DOWNLOAD So texthere[/url then close it with a ] The map look good, but it could use more thing, it seems as if too small, looks like a good idea, and pretty well forged, just needs some work. And I don't really like doors as cover, there could be something better I think.
or type something, highlight it while having the URL of the DL page copied then click the thing that is a chain and a picture of earth, right to the left of color above here when you are editing ^ Woalah