Containment is a very small map that can hold 8 people but I suggest 4.This map took about a day. Only works with slayer.Please give it a chance. Download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This first pic is the sniper tower. the second pic is the overview. Sorry there are only 2 pics this is my first post.
Ill let a mod. tell you what you have done wrong. But first place your pictures onto a image hosting site. Imageshack, Photobucket, etc.
Follow these guild lines and your post will be correct. ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps
if you use photoshop it is so much easier to embed pics just use the img code after your done. anyways if i look close enough the map seems like a good 2v2 or 1v1 map so good job for your first map on forge hub and i hope you stay with us
well from the microscopic pic that you have there it looks pretty neat unfortunately i cant give it a fair opinion with this little information larger and more screens would be a great help.
hehe its a really tiny map so i dont get how the respawn system would work with out getting raped with a rocket once you spawn i dunno
This map has some potential. I think what you need to do is start from scratch with the beggining layout and add more cover/cubby holes. The spawn system is weak and would allow for some major spawn camping, and the inside of the arena looks very sloppy. The walls of the arena look really nicely layed out and and I see some interlocking going on. Just fix the inside layout and this map could become a very fun 1v1 map. I will be looking forward to a V2.