Containment Created by fatalityz PART OF THE IMMERSION MAP PACK(Desolation, Containment, BR city-under construction) Short range, multi level FFA map Download Containment skip all the reading and check out the slideshow One-hundred years after the wars against the covenant, the humans have fallen back into their normal routines; including exchange of credit. Once again, entertainment is big business and one of the main suppliers is death defying D.M studios. D.M studios has invented a new technology that gives people the ability to re-spawn in any size arena. With this advanced technology, they have formed the biggest sport ever created. With over twelve billion viewers galaxy wide, they have become the ultimatum in entertainment, thus giving them the resources needed to build any arena they could imagine. This time, D.M studios implemented their technologies in a multi-billion dollar prison; keeping normal prison violence to an almost 0% occurrence. The cash received for prisoners participating helps make life better for all inside the gigantic, top of the line, super maximum security prison. Only the most harden criminals are authorized to compete in the bloodiest, most action packed criminal sport in the world. Short description: The feel in this arena-like map is pure short range, intense claustrophobia that will daze and confuse even the most elite competitors. Use skill and fast reflex to quickly exterminate your opposition and achieve victory. This map has two main levels with five "substories," for battling it out. You can implement control of the high ground and become death from above, or creep the dark corners and pounce as your enemies run by. overview of the map with respawns, a wall was deleted Blue base and the upper level of the jungle gym, also plasma pistol upstairs Another view of the jungle gym a view of upstairs with the spawns and a wall missing Downstairs, looking across at the shield door bases, shotgun on the bridge Downstairs, looking across at the radar jammer base, shotgun on the bridge, mancannon to the left Coming out the mancannon Inside the radar jammer base The one way drop down from the top to the shotgun A starting spawn situation A good place to use the plasma pistol Some of the great things you can find in this map are the extremely entertaining ways to juke your opponents and laugh when you blow their brains out. The gametypes intended for use with this map are 2-5 player FFA with motion sensors on. I got together a 16 player shotgun match once on v1(was uber intense filled with insane killtacs and great sprees.) Team matches are not suggested. Overall, it is good for any slayer, whether you want to play no scopes, swords, shotguns, or normal slayer-this map makes for intense slaying excitement. The playable gametypes are slayer, king of the hill, and oddball. Another of the great things about this map is the ability to pounce on your helpless victims from almost anywhere, whether dropping through the floor to the lower level, or juking your foes in the upstairs jungle gym; almost anything is possible in this level. There are two main sections, with a total of five sub-floors, with various equipment and grenades spread about-one shotgun, and one plasma pistol as the power weapons. The whole stage is interlocked, featuring a mancannon that boosts you from the first level, into the jungle gym; perfect for surprising unsuspecting victims. Weapon, equipment, grenade list, and spawn times: 5x battle rifle; 2 clips; 45 second 2x assault rifle; 2 clips; 60 seconds 1x shotgun; 0 clips; 180 seconds 1x plasma pistol; 120 seconds 1x radar jammer; 120 seconds 5x firebomb grenades; 30 seconds From what I've heard, this is a favored map in the map pack, as far as the initial release goes. Most people enjoy the intense action, and say good things. I have put many hours into the production of this work and I hope you can appreciate like I do. Thanks for reading. Download Containment Again this is part of the Immersion Map Pack which includes: BR city (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Download Map Containment If you liked this map, I’d like for you to check out my other map =)
infection would be epic on this map with no motion tracker just a suggestion =) anyways, it looks really nice and organized, any way we could forge together sometime this week or whenever? gt is SGTcrank55
Shield door and shotgun. Uh-oh, I smell a camptacular. Besides, that this map looks really good and the interlocking is great.
man i like ur interlocking its seamless from the screens ill check it out later got it qued for now. oh yea ur interlocked A and B signs are very prettyfical lol great man map 5/5
ok overview coming l8er today, any1 got some negative feedback since apparentely this map is doing worse than desolation? thx =p