Containment v0.7

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ColWalterKurtz7, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. ColWalterKurtz7

    ColWalterKurtz7 Forerunner

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    So this is my first submission to so I am not sure if my Download link is working so if not someone help a noob out.


    So the idea behind my map is a boat pulling into the coastline. At the front end of the boat (bow) is the red team spawn.


    While the back (stern) is the blue team spawn


    There is a lower and upper deck. On the lower deck is a series of bridges and walkways


    All with a mainly long axis connecting the bow and stern.

    One the top deck is a much more open area with a cross of tunnels segmenting it into four areas.

    It is not 100% functional yet I still need to set it up for every game type but would like any feedback.
    #1 ColWalterKurtz7, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm. I truely like the feeling of indoor and outdoor areas, it kind of reminds me of the last mission of Halo 3's campaign when you went through the giant building in the warthogs. I'm not sure why, but it does!

    Anyway, the map is great. But it is lacking aesthetics. There is much much potential for an aesthetic texture to this map. I suggest adding a little, testing it in the forums first, and then reposting it.
  3. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is fantastic!! i downloaded it and played it with 8 people and it worked great! if you make a v2, i would advise adding some more cover to the top layer though, other than that it is great.
  4. kingcobradude

    kingcobradude Forerunner

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    Where can I download this map?

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