to make players on the bottom be able to br the guys on the top you would have to make the upper ring thinner, maybe even a downward slope? it may seem awkward, but a slope would help not give the players on the upper ring an advantage.
I personally believe the top ring should not be a full ring that goes all the way round; only have the highest points at either side like you have at the moment in your screenshot. Maybe you could have a mid-height walkway (between the main level and top ring) that connects the two bases down both edges/sides of the map.
Yeah I get what you're saying, but that is really awkward. It's basically an entire floor that's at a tilt, not sure I'm a fan of this idea, regardless if it's effective. I actually kinda of like that idea! I had something else in mind, but I could see myself implementing that in the map actually. I'll definitely give that some thought.
So it would be accurate to say this is both Construct Remade, and a Construct/Citadel cross? Sweet. How are you going to do the middle platform? The Sniper Spawn on Construct/Rocket Spawn on Citadel? Is the path going to connect to both ends of the upper ring, the bottom, or both? If you have it connecting to both, it could be another pathway up to the upper level besides the lifts/streets. Like with the bottom ramps facing towards the lifts, with the upper ramps facing towards the Streets for example.
I know this isn't going to change anything, but have you ever thought of why it's like that in the original? Bungie's map designers are among the best in the business, they wouldn't randomly think "let's not put a ramp here". Think before you Forge.
What I plan on doing is in the middle of either street I'm going to have a sort of bridge going across the center with the rockets in the center. As for the sniper spawn, I still have a few different possibilities. So you're saying that anytime that a map plays bad, it was intentional as you put it. All due respect, but that's a stupid thing to say. Thanks for your advice and the bit you offered, but I'm well ahead when it comes to the thinking process of this map. I didn't even began the forging process for a month after I had the idea, and it wasn't out of procrastination. There was a map in Halo 2 named Backwash, if it was so great tell me why it was taken out of every matchmaking playlist. I'm more than aware that Bungie are amazing designers, but even they make plenty of mistakes. Hence Blackout playing nothing like Lockout, hence Guardian's spawns, hence Snowbounds garbage gameplay. I could continue to emphasize my point but I think you know where I'm heading.
Haha, but in all honesty High Ground is the best One sided map their is. (my opinion of course but its right or else i will find you via xbox live and tbag you mg Anyway enough of that, the bridge idea sounds good. Just don't add alot of railings, make it a challenge to get the rockets. And make sure there is like at least 2-3 area's where you can get shot from by the lower levels.
But high ground is where teh Ub3r 1337 Assu1t R1fL3 Pr0s come and turn thar game on. Especially on spartan laser tower which isn't a major control point or anything. better not take any long range weapons there.
"I demand a cookie. NOW!" There you go. One Gaint Cookie. Anyways, I agree I want to see more pictures of this map. It looks really good. I love the circle part. How perfect it is. Nice Job. Invite me sometime. GT: Lil Devil9597 Are you even holding any testings?
I at least know i contributed a little, I told him to fix the But really it is shaping up to be an awesome map!
Yep. I actually did fix the ramps after you told me to, I need to fix 'em again though to get rid of a bump. I know you're up for testing though today, if you're not there, I'm going to have to throw something at your next time I see ya.