Generally, the television generates enough light that the best way to get crisp, high-resolution pictures for your map is by turning your lights off and not using the flash. Do that, and you'll easily have some of the best Halo 3 pics on the web. Bungie's completely retarded for not adding some sort of screenshot function or something though, imo.
I cannot for the life of me remember what the name of this map is.. but I can in fact remember the author, his name was Dream Boss. So yeah.... careful.
first off, your description says "this is a good map" which sounds too me like you didn't forge it. I'm not going to accuse you but i too have seen this somewhere, you might want to check yourself, just a little heads up.
Ummm... you stole this map dude.... the original map thread is Here so yeah... its stolen... MODS!!! Take em down =]