Consolidated Wire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nutduster, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Hi all - this is my most recent forged map, and what I think is my strongest yet. It gains strength by cannibalizing the best ideas from a couple maps I did previously, Wirerollers Inc. and Dropdown. I hope you'll take a look. Here are pics:

    A look up one of the two wire ramps, from the defensive base.

    The offensive base.

    One of the side tunnels that connects the bases (with a connection to the sword room, under the wire ramps).

    There are several ways to get from one ramp to the other.

    Sword room, grav lift bridge, etc.

    Consolidated Wire would be most easily described as a cross between Elongation, The Pit, and Donkey Kong. Like Elongation you have two hallways connected in a few places (although in this map they are turned on an angle, and have rolling wire spools of death rather than slow-moving boxes of protective cover). Like The Pit you have two similar bases connected by several corridors of varying size and length. And like Donkey Kong you may find yourself jumping over rolling things, and fighting a giant monkey. (OK, not so much on the monkey.)

    It is set up for all gametypes. As it is a smallish map it works best for 4-8 players. 10 might work, more would be pushing it. The map has been play-tested for lag or other issues, and some fusion cores were removed to hopefully prevent any framerate problems from cropping up. This is a budget-breaking map (well over in fact) but in a 4 vs 4 game on a LAN we had no slowdown; hopefully your experience will be the same.

    Key features:

    - Two huge ramps with rolling wire spools that man-cannon off into cages at the bottom.
    - A central sword room on ground level connecting the two bases.
    - Power-up drop boxes that offer overshield or camo, but also drop you into the jaws of the other team's base.
    - A lot of different areas to fight in, combat up to the ceiling of Foundry, criss-crossing ramps and tunnels, and the sound of "SPLAT!" on a somewhat frequent basis.
    - Lots of weapons: there are shotguns in both bases, the aforementioned sword and rockets, a centrally-positioned sniper rifle, numerous BRs and ARs, a few assorted dual wieldables, a needler, a lot of grenades, and some equipment as well.
    - A few tantalizing pieces of high ground overlooking both bases.

    And this perhaps goes without saying, but comments of any type, here and on the Bungie thread, are most appreciated. In the storm of custom maps, a lot of gems get lost. I hope this one is a gem, and I hope it will have a little visibility for a while at least.

    #1 Nutduster, Feb 13, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  2. StrikerSniper77

    StrikerSniper77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really, really, really, really want to play this...

    BTW: Good ideas!
  3. Egg02

    Egg02 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks awsome, am definetly downloading it.
  4. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not bad looks quite interesting
  5. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great. My only question is wat made you decide to call it Consolidated Wire?
  6. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks interesting, I want to play this -erp- -Q'ed-
  7. Apocalypse720

    Apocalypse720 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a nice map, have it q'd. I'm having 3 guys over this weekend, and I'll see how it plays 2v2.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    It's a kind of retarded joke. My original map with a single big wire spool ramp was called Wirerollers Inc. - intended to imply that you're fighting in a wire-making factory. This map takes that ramp and splits it in half, and adds on components from another map of mine. I was looking for a similar but different title, and then I realized I was consolidating it with ideas from other maps - hence "Consolidated Wire," which still sounds like a wire-making factory. So necessity meets goofy humor.

    If you guys like it, and if you have a little free time, please comment on the Bungie thread - I think people pay more attention to threads there that have a few comments (and a few more downloads) in them.
  9. wizardofsuoz

    wizardofsuoz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ive always looked forward to being crushed by a rolling wire spool, ill look into it.

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