ConsoleMap Description: Console is a symmetrical, red vs. blue map. Red and Blue bases are parallel to each other, Green is between them and parallel to the back window. There are 3 'layers' including a central room, a hall that goes around the center and outer hall way(where the team objectives are). Multiple floors on the outside of the map. It consists of medium-long range and short range shooting. Console has many corners and turns and rooms which makes it fun to flank very quickly. It is generally made for 4v4, but also 2v2 and 3v3. They all play well. Game types include CTF, KotH, Oddball, Infection, Headhunter, Team Slayer and FFA. Weapon List: DMRx4 NRx2 Magnumx2 Frag Nadex4 Plasma Nadex4 Health Stationx3 Nade Launcherx1 (118sec spawn, 4 spare clips) Rocket Launcherx1 (178sec spawn, 1 spare clip) Sniper Riflex1 (118sec spawn, 1 spare clip) --MAP UPDATE-- The center of the map is now opened up more (at the request of many people who played and tested the map), replacing the 2x2 talls with tall and thins. This is way more aesthetically pleasing and less issues with people just running around the pillars and you not being able to find them. The team objectives were also changed a bit, i replaced the tall and thins with small boxes so there is more open space. There are pictures of the changes. Reply and tell me how you like it. Map Pictures(Symmetrical so when I say 'Red...' it is identical on blue side): Main center(rocket spawn) Red Objective Red Light Red Jump-Up Red Hall Red Window Red Flat Top(sniper spawn)/Bottom Green Bottom Green(back view) Back Window(nade launcher spawn) Overview for better understanding(Deleted roof just for this picture) Gameplay Shots: And Thanks! to all the people who helped me test it and for the awesome game play. Download Console
Some parts look a little cramped, like the rocket spawn, and some pieces look forced, like 5x1s. Other than, the map looks good. Try to fix those if you can.
Looks like you could be safer with your objects. (Bridge diag. smalls, corner 45s, double walls). And you could replace that wall of 1x1 tall and thins with many other objects. As for the layout, it appears to be room based, or very separated, so I might have to walk through it to understand it. From the pictures, I don't notice very much height variation at all. It's not necessarily a problem, but the map would be more interesting with more emphasis on verticality.
The reason for using the objects I did is because my budget is like 500$ or something and about 2 platforms, 3 walls, 3 blocks, 5 buildings. I eventually got very limited on my materials. And for the cramped spaces, I purposelly made the rocket spawn a small area to make it more of a challenge to get them so you generally can't pick them up and immediately shoot them in a sprint battle. It's so people will have to eliminate the other team before you pick them up. The only other space that is a little cramped is the red and blue window/hall area and that adds a variety of gameplay with many other areas on the map are wide and open. Thanks for the feed back guys
I played on this map and there are a few cramped spaces, but overall its an amazing map and i would recommend it to everyone. Nice work! -Kinda reminds me of zealot. jk
I played this map when it was first made, and once again with the modifications. I also thought the map was a bit congested at first, but after it was fixed up, I thought it was a great map and I had a lot of fun playing on it! Everything is opened up more to where its comfortable, but it's not over exposed.
Xzamples is right. Your object count looks uncomfortably high. Judging by the amount of objects you mentioned having left over, I would say that it is. A low budget and restricted object palette is generally a good indicator that you've used too many objects. You've almost literally nothing left, and that should not warrant using smaller peices to achieve what bigger peices can. Can't comment on the gameplay, though I will say that the thumbnail caught my eye. Looks like you got your friends to create accounts to bump your thread, lol.
I like the hallway in the 1stafternoon gameplay pic, nd the glass covers look nice, but how is fr? Nd things do look cramped, ill give a try nd let u kno more
I see a lot of aesthetics that I've never seen before, I love the layout of this, although there is a good amount of glass, which inst frame rate or split screen friendly.