pretty nice nothing mkaes it feel any different from construct good interlocks kinda empty looking teh lift is buetiful dont have duel maulers and a power drain right next to eachother
umm they are working for me and yes i used photobucket. hmmm it seems everything is going wrong today
wow lil bro i like the map to bad i couldnt have helped (since im at college) but it looks really good and also wtf did you give me this account name i could have just made my own. whatever good map bro. needs moar interlox lol
This map seems pretty well thought out. I see the similarities in Construct but it definitely isn't a remake (why would you?). Some parts seem kind of messy but I shouldn't complain because of the messiness in most of my maps. But all in all this map is unique from many other forged maps. 4/5