Consolation is back with many many improvements. First off is i added a wall in the middle for longer ctf and assault games. second is (wait why dont i just list what i did) Added: spartan laser deployable cover ghost mauler at the rear of each base needler at mouth of cave Removed: maulers in power drain cave plasma pistols needlers at back of bases sniper bubble shield wirespools in sniper perch 6 grenades Weapons list: 2x maulers 6x BR 1x needler 1x Sp'lazer 1x deployable cover 1x power drain 2x plasma rifles 6x frag granades 4x plasma grenades 1x ghost 2x magnums 2x smg Gametypes: FFA Slayer Team slayer Team koth Team ctf Team oddball Team assault Pictures: Defending base Attacking base Mauler spawns on both sides in back double box open Smg tunnel both sides Power drain cave Qverview of top power drain cave = courtyard Ghost and needler spawn Plasma rifles spawn Stairway to lazer perch And last but not least sniper lazer perch Download link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Quotes from v1 Enjoy and, please comment on what you think about it.
looks pretty good. although i personaly wouldnt put a splaser on a small map. the smg tunnel is very well made! it also looks smooth. look forward to playing it. EDIT: now that i think about it, having a splaser on a mall map isnt used much and actually adds interest. and its good since theres a ghost.
Looks pretty awesome, the interlocking looks amazingly excellent, and the splaser makes the map more difficult to be a nub with power weapons (Which is really great.). Anyway awesome job! 4/5. Keep it up! and Happy Forging!
Yay you released V2!!! I absolutely love this map. The tunnel is epic win, I just love walking down into it. The weapons are surprisingly very very balanced. The battle rifles are present, there is a needler that balances that out and occasionally the spaser. The ghost is balanced out by the splaser as well. This map strives in gameplay. EDIT: OH YEA BECUASE I CAN:
Thank you deathtoll for the well written review im glad to see someone really likes this map as iahave worked hard on perfecting it. Also thank you for the picture im gonna edit the post with that on it
I remember consolation v1. it was a nice concept but this is definitely improved. Much cleaner. I don't remember what I rated it but this one is 5/5 Off topic but I like how you put in some dumpsters. I like dumpsters.