conquital by I upgrayedd I this is my first conquest map and its on orbital so there might be some difrences between red and blue team, concidering the red team spawns at a higher level of the map. this hasnt seemed to effect gameplay that mutch though. everything you dont see on the picture is locked out, sorry about that. weapons: 4x BR 2x sniper rifle 2x plasma pistol 2x custom powerup 2x shotgun 1x needler screenshots: blue start red start blue territory 2 red territory 2 middle territory pit walkways DOWNLOAD
Looks like a pretty good conquest map. Some of the interlocking could use some work but i know that forging on orbital can be a little tedious. I suggest maybe making a v2 and just straighten some things out. looks good overall though.
looks cool i like the smoothness of the map looks grate. dont care for conquest maps to much but this is cool.
So this uses the entire Orbital map? I think you should explain the layout a bit. And i noticed that there are multiple paths around the center area of the map. If you would like some Conquest Guides to help improve the map, click here: Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide, The Book of Conquest, AZN FTW's Conquest guide
this is quite a good map, i love the fact that you havnt only used sandbox to do your forging and overall the map looks like it would play out really well, the only difference i would do is maybe add tele-cages into the back of each base, and neaten up the ramp over the death pit (which again is awesome). overall7/10 when you clean it up a bit the rating will go up.
Well first I like how u made the map as symmetric as possible on orbital. A couple things though, I think there should be more cover than just the 2 boxes in front of the customs. Also I think it would be better if you just covered up the pit completely with a ramp, or just smoothed out what you have there (like instead of an incline and then a flat section, just keep it one incline all the way across, if possible). Anyway 3.5/5 because other than the pit, there's really not much there.