How are spawns normaly done in conquest to prevent spawn camping? I looked in the book of of conquest and didn't find ****.
There's like a %5 chance that spawn camping will EVER happen in a conquest map. Just have your spawn points where the starting points are and you should be fine... or take a look at conquest maps and see how they have them set up and try to mimic it into your map.
The problem with Conquest maps is that if the opposing team can get to your side of the map, they can spawn camp your ass until the game is done.
I'm not experienced in conquest, but what i understand is that the opposing team tries to get to the other side, capturing the territories are they go. If someone did get to the other teams side, wouldn't they win?
If they captured all of the territories on the way, then yes. Unless for some reason they decided to skip one.
No, no, no. The round ends when the time is out. It dosen't matter if one team has all of the territories.
pretty much impossible. and when you kill them, because you will, they have a looong way to trek to get back in the fight. its not a problem at all. in fact, inthe hundreds of games i've payed of conquest, I thik ive seen the back territory captured by the other team maybe twice. to the OP, just DL a conquest map or two and check out how its done thats false. in Flag Rally, if all territories are held by one team for a certain period of time, the round will end. but sudden death (an opposing player in the process of re-capturing a territory) prevents it 99% of the time. don't give uninformed responses please