Well i was recently downloading some new conquest maps. I saw that the gametype link goes to the map makers fileshare. Now i dont know what you guys think but should'nt it redirect you to the creator of conquest. I think it would just be fair. What do you guys think?
Their are several versions, and I think it doesn't really matter. Conquest V4 will be released when AZN and I actually get around to finishing Cellars V2.
I see. i realize there are different versions, but i mean if they are using the version made by AZN or the v4 by you and AZN when it comes out. i know there isnt a copyright law about it, but shouldnt there be a rule about that, idk just a suggestion. if someone posted a made using my infection gametype(ok i guess) and id appreciate it if ppl linked it to my file share, rather than them getting the dloads/credit for it, ya know?