AZN you seem like a really arrogant person. That doesnt show a lot of good leadership. I suggest getting off your high chair and stop acting like your the almighty conquest god. A maps enjoyment is relative to a person's liking.
And the point of this is to provide more focused feedback than a testing session would to increase the enjoyment of the map for the general population's liking. I don't care what you think about me as a person, but please pay attention to the point of the thread. This isn't to make maps enjoyable however. This is to make maps mechanically operational to work in the best way possible for Conquest. You don't have to like a map for it to be mechanically sound for Conquest. There are a lot of Conquest maps that I would not personally like mechanically sound or not. On the opposite side there are some maps that I like, but don't follow the standards so don't play as well as they could. It's about setting the map to play the gametype well. It's the same as setting up the spawns, weapons, and jumps properly for the slayer gametype. Stop flamming this thread. Don't reply unless you have suggestions, questions, or submissions.
I will be free Monday afternoon... there was alot that we noticed with the map. I like the layout, but the mechanics are sooo far off from a Conquest map it's pretty ridiculous. The biggest problem that the lot of us had was the Sniper... I don't see how anyone could play this in v3 of Conquest... it is crazy ridiculously broken. Not only does he have bunches of ammo, but he is seperated from the team making the "brute force" action of conquest alot less impactful. Another thing was the hammer... it is a cool idea for knocking people off, but it just doesn't work. The territories were my next big thing. In conquest you are fighting for land. When you are on the main flooring of the map you should always be in a territory... when you say that you wanted to make it more difficult to capture the center territory that is fine. But what you want to do is extend the territories so that they cover the whole map and you can start with the biggest/longest one at start and shrink the sections as you get to the center territory. When you win a territory, you ahve full right to be able to contest the territory when you take cover... you've earned that land and all of it's advantages. With as big as your map is, it really seperates the team and they hardly move together, and I think this is mainly because you have to stop to capure territories because they are so small. Territories should be all be touching and long enough at the beginning so you can just keep walking and you will capture it as you load up on weapons. you should not have to stop and put focus into your first 2 territories... the important territories are the center and the 3rd territory on each side. The 3rd territory is allowed to not be long. The reason for this is this is where you spend most of your time when fighting for the center. You will cap it eventually, cuz you are using that for cover, so it doesn't have to be very big. Also you ahd a few weird spawn points that are facing away from the center and toward the start... these spawn points are very confusing. There is quite a bit that can be done to increase how smooth the gameplay is and if you trust ell3ment and myself, we can make it a truly memorable map to play on...
I lol that they deleted my infracted post instead of just editing out the infracted part. But yeah, I'll see what I can do about giving it a run of edits tonight after I get off work. Having played it, I was thinking to myself about getting rid of the sniper booths because of how much they kill the gameplay (when the enemy's got anything of a good marksman, the third territory is almost impossible to capture). Eliminating them would also free up some twenty items that I could pour into aesthetics and other possible enhancements to the map (floating weapons ftw!). I'd prefer that the hammers stay intact, but I suppose we can give it a whirl replacing the hammer with the sniper rifle and making it spawn less often. I'd also be interested to see what the two of you could do to my map. Considering your experience and knowledge concerning the game, I'd like to see what you'd change about it and how you'd go about doing it.
We will go over it as a team and see what adjustments we would make, and I want you to be part of it as well. However our newest team member, Coyote1023, will not have the maps till Thursday. But until then, Ell3ment and I can go through with you and show you what we would do to the map... I thank you for trusting us and I hope we can come out with a map that everyone is going to love in the end... see you tomorrow...
Maybe you should change the name? The way you have stated it is that you have to "certify" a map for it to be considered a good conquest map. That the only way a map can reach it's full potential is with your help. i could make a Jesus reference here, but I'm not going to. Back to the subject, isn't that more of a school? I love the teaching idea, and improving maps. But that you need to "certify" a map is a bit stupid. IMO You have to admit that your kind of rubbing xForgery in are faces. Just a little bit, and how you stated that forgehub is collapsing was really not nice. I've checked out Xforgery, and i don't see one person mentioning it regularly there. Do unto others only what you would wish dun onto you. Please don't attack me
I won't attack you... and I am giving an advertisement alert to answer your question as to why is it a Certification Team: Spoiler On XF we have an Official Gametype section and the first of these is Conquest. The reason why it is a Certification team is because for each official gametype we are hosting a Featured Library for the gametype, basically maps that have been approved by the certification team to ensure that they follow the map creation rules and that the map is the best that it could be. It is inspired by the Book of Conquest, however unlike the book each map needs to be looked at first. SO that is why it is a Certification Team, and not just a school. Cuz the main intent was to certify maps for that library. And I knew that Conquest was popular over here, so I wanted to offer the same service to you guys. So I'm not saying that a map can't reach it's full potential without me, I'm saying that we want to help you make it better if at all possible. But if you all don't want the help then please leave the thread and don't come back. As for me saying that FH is falling... I was being attacked, so I was pretty pissed when I responded and I apologize for that. Have you ever tried to help the community and then were attacked for trying to help? Also people aren't bashing it because we take the time to pull them aside and get them to stop. There has been quite a few FH complaints, but we have tried to keep it to a minimum because we are trying to become friends or atleast accept that we are both going to co-exist regardless of what happens. Anyways, no more posts like that please... please stay on the topic of Conquest maps...
If anyone wants any help in making a conquest map or just has a question, you can add me on XBL (GT: Coyote1023) If you do send me one, please add like FH or Conquest into the message so that I know to accept. I usually have space on my friends list unlike AZN, so it will be easier to get a hold of me. If you just have a question about it, you can PM me here.