Conquest Map Certifying Team

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ray Benefield, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Conquest Map Certification Team

    Map Certification Team

    For those that don't know I am building up a Conquest certifying team. Currently it is myself, Ell3ment, Coyote1023, and I am currently training up GunnerGrunt. If you would like to learn how to build a good Conquest map (or a good map in general) and help review other conquest maps you can PM me to apply. Or if you just want us to take a look at your Conquest map and let you know how you can improve it PM or VM me...

    Here are the Conquest maps that we have built if you don't know our experience with Conquest maps:

    • The Cellars [First Conquest map that started it all; old version Featured]
    • The Station [Recent balanced Asymmetrical Conquest map on Orbital]
    • Of The Essence [Winner of the Conquest Forge Off here at Forgehub; currently going through certification process and improvements]
    For those that don't know, we are following the Conquest Complete Gametype Description as the guide to certify Conquest maps. This is good to look at mainly because there has been no good clear cut description on how to make your map work best for Conquest until now.

    So if you want to learn how to build a good map in general focused mainly around Conquest type maps PM me to apply, or if you have a Conquest map that you would like feedback on please also PM me... we will take a look at it and see what we can suggest for improvements while you are in with us. NOTE that if you apply you need to submit a Conquest map as well so we can see what you understand thus far.
    #1 Ray Benefield, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    I love Conquest! Only problem is I don't have a Conquest map posted. I have one made and it has been going through some testing but it is not yet posted on ForgeHub. Is that alright?
  3. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Yes that is perfectly fine... as long as I have something to evaluate... do you have it in Beta (done some testing), Alpha (Just finished it), or is it still in the building stage of geometry or what nots?
  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    It is currently in the beta stage.
  5. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Sounds good... send me a msg on XBL and I will add you to my FL to look over your map... and Ace... you are on XF, why didn't you respond to the one over there? lolz...
  6. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    This sounds like a great idea AZN. I have to say that it kind of aggravates me in a way because you only post on Forgehub to advertise what you post at your place. I'd appreciate it if it didn't have to be like that. Good luck finding members for your team, I might consider joining up some time in the future.
  7. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Stop accusing me of advertising... I may be doing a more detailed approach on XF, but non-of those links go to XF or mention it... they are all completely FH exclusive. And it doesn't have to be like this... I can do this XF exclusive, but I don't... the community needs better Conquest maps... cuz the ones for the competition can be made ALOT better... I'm in full support of the community first... the XF comes next and then FH if XF doesn't take priority...
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    whats getting on my nerves is your 'Triumphant Return.'
    It seems like your trying to get more people over to the Azn life like its a fricken religion. You poached a shitload of members from forgehub into joining Xforgery. Sure, they followed you willingly but honestly, most of your followers are those little kids and such that are just a bunch of tag-a-longs. I really couldnt care less for most of them. In the most part, its just a really **** move that you are creating all these threads;especially this one. Why the hell do we need a ****ing team to certify a map. AZN Approved? No one needs that. A map is a map whether you like it or not. I do believe in following the standards for conquest maps and such but, this just pissed me off. I hate this thread a lot because it makes you seem like you believe yourself to be an idol of power.
    This is the line that really got me started. I dont think that you should be the judge of what makes a map a map. It should be the community's choice, which I definitely know you stress in XF. But apparently, you still think that you hold a huge role in the beginning of forge; with all of your: Forging theories, and 'amazing' speeches on how things would and should really get done, not to mention this thread. A team to certify a correctly built Conquest map.
    You could say I'm taking this the wrong way and maybe I am but it doesnt justify you being a douche to a lot of people these days. Many can agree. And by the way, this isnt an insult its just a notice to change your ways and act amongst the crowd in a positive way instead of making yourself into an unknown idol.
  9. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    ;/. Let's be nice people. I would agree that having a team to certify conquest maps might be over the top. I think it is quite funny that two out of three members are the creators of conquest and the winner of the conquest forgeoff. This follows the same concept as MLG maps. No matter how much you stress standards and proper forging only a handful will look at them, much less get their map certified. Honestly the best thing you could do to "Certify" Conquest maps is to keep editing your gametype description and post helpful comments in every conquest map thread you see. As time progresses conquest will be more popular. There is no need for a certification team.
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    The two of you obviously don't believe in exponential growth when it comes to teaching. You start with teaching a few people, then they teach a few people, then they teach a few people and by that time you have a very solid group that builds maps for a set of standards. There have been alot of bad Conquest maps out there... but do they know why they are bad? No not really, cuz nobody really understands. I know the basis of the gametype I know how to appease certain traits to create the feel of Conquest... I'm sorry if I know what I'm doing and want to help some people learn what they are doing.

    SO why do we need a map to certify conquest maps? Well the same reason we need the coloreds to certify a featured map. Because some maps don't meet the standard. Some of us would love to have a nice amount of good actual Conquest maps to play instead of playing frustrating Conquest maps that could have been so much better had they followed a few simple rules... I'm sorry I was trying to be helpful. This is why FH is no longer a community... rather than collaborating and helping each other they tear each other down. There is no progress that way. Maybe you should admit Phreakie that some people actually know what they are doing. Some of us are willing to teach what we know. Maybe you should take advantage of that to build a good map instead of whining for me to fix your spawns or test your map or vote for your map. Are you just sore cuz I didn't? Well it's cuz you whined... you want to get better at making good maps? Well grow up phreakie.

    And forgegod the reason that happens is because people look at spreading standards the wrong way... you don't start iwth a big group and say here you go. You teach one at a time, and then they follow suit. You branch it out and then eventually everyone is helping everyone. Forgehub has forgottent that and that's why people aren't getting as good at forging as they could be. Nobody collaborates anymore... well no one that knows what they are doing... all of the new members are willing to learn. Don't put them down, just cuz you already know how to do that. Let them learn and don't be afraid to teach them... what you teach them can grow exponentially.

    Get back on topic and stop attacking this thread... grow up senior members...
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    AZN, I think you should direct that at some poeple of forgehub, and not everyone, because I for one try to help people and so do many others.

    Anyway, this is a good idea. It is difficult to find really good conquest maps too play. The only ones I truly enjoy are cellars, and the one thats on foundry that uses the back tunnels, it was the first to use tele boxes and it had two custom powerups spawn and it was the first to use fence walls to annoy the other team, I think it is called faction. Anyway, wouldn't rusty eagle and a couple others who helped make the cellars be on that list as well?

    PS: Once I'm done with my second guardian conquest, you will have to see it and tell me if its good enough.
  12. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I apologize... I wasn't going to take the time to point out each exception... so I generalized the site. Yes there are alot of good members here. But there are even more degrading members and that's why this site is falling. May be slowly, but it is...

    Anyways... I'm still looking for more guys to train... gotta spread the love and ellement looks forward to helping you guys too... Coyote should be ready soon as well. So far we have in the shadows and Ace signed up... also this training includes basic spawn training, cuz I know alot of people have problems with spawns...
    #12 Ray Benefield, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2009
  13. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    I seriously have to agree with this statement. I remember when AZN was explaining spawns to me for my Epitath Conquest map. Then, since Im in the testers guild, I tested several maps. When some maps had poor spawns, I could explain how to fix them much better than I could have without the knowledge. Basically, AZN taught me, then I taught someone else. I don't know if he passed on the knowledge but it made a progression. I have been taught spawns about 3 times by AZN. Everytime I learn something new.

    Anyway, I think that no one shuold complain because AZN is offering a service. Its not maditory, no one has to use it, but it you want to see if your Conquest map could be improved then the team is here to help. I see nothing wrong with that.

    I think that when you get more certifiers you should have at least 2 members helping someone at once. When you guys were helping me with Propulsion I was SO confused, simply because both of you had very different opinions. AZN had the sniper further up, and Element had it back. Element made Terrtory 2 bigger, while AZN made them touch.That is why I was questioning what Element did, because it changed a lot of what AZN did. I didn't know who to listen to besically. So if there where 2 people there at once, if ther were different opinions, you would sort it out there and keep this from happening to anyone else.
  14. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Thank you Bartoge... I love you... lolz...

    Anyways, that is a really good suggestion. We sorta do it now. And I see what you mean. And him and I talked about it later... he is still learning a bit, but he too has his preferences, which you will learn to have your own soon too. I apologize I've been so busy lately with customs and what not... I want to get your two maps certified and out the door, I'm still wary about the Epitaph map... I dont' think it has the quality for the Conquest basis... and Coyote is making another map for Heavy Conquest so maybe your map works better with heavy settings on... as for propulsion ellement wasn't much into that map, but I think it has potential and I want to see what you have done to it so I can give some final opinions on it... would you like to become a certifier Bartoge after one or two more maps from you?
  15. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    I agree that it would be better for Heavy Conquest, since I find it practically impossible to completely block it off for regular conquest. If people didn't want to break it, then it would be fine, but Heavy would assure that the map stays un-broken.

    Yeah, I updated it and played with Element. He said it worked. I don't know if he liked it or if its just playable or something. But he said it was better than the earlier versions. I added some stuff, one thing being a wall blocking off the line of sight from the second territory to the fencebox. I think that helped, and then I moved some weapons around.

    Yeah, I would like to. I do enjoy conquest and want conquest maps to be the best they can be.

    Can you give your opinions on a conquest map in progress. Its not completely finished, but I almost have half of it done. so, since its symmetrical one can imagine the other side.
  16. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    No problem, I can definitely check it out... I think after I finish posting the next Forgery Challenge, I'm going to head onto the XBox and make today a Conquest day, building, certifying, and testing...
  17. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    And this is why I have issue with you as well: because you're hoisting yourself up and proclaiming that you're the only one who knows how to make a good conquest map, and that you're the only one who knows how to tell what the feel of conquest is and how to keep it. Truth is? You're not. Now I'm not flaming you, I'm just saying that I agree with Phreakie in that you're being really arrogant and haughty.

    Now, while I don't feel there needs to be a disconnect between xForgery and ForgeHub (we're both communities that have the same focus), and while I'll admit that the few gaming sessions I actually had with the folks who migrated with you were a lot of fun, by the same token, I think that you've broken some rules of forum etiquette by coming in and acting this way.

    But I'll also admit that you do know your stuff about Conquest (just not that you're the only one who does), and for that reason, I think I'll respectfully ask for your opinion on my Skyquest map. It's really long and doesn't quite follow all of the rules you posted in your guide thread, but I've been told that it manages to maintain the feel of Conquest pretty well. So how 'bout it?
  18. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I am not proclaiming that I am the only one who knows my stuff about Conquest. Just that I understand every part of Conquest, while most are missing certain key parts that they need to brush up on. How many people build all of their territories so that they cover all of the flooring of the map? How many people understand the complete reasoning behind the 3 different grenades in Conquest maps and when to use which? There are very little things that alot of people are missing and I am looking to fill the gaps. I'm sorry if it seems arrogant, but how else are people going to get better if someone like myself doesn't tell them that they are doing it wrong and why?

    Anyways, I am not making this an XF vs FH discussion. There is no reason to bring XF into this at all, in my attempt to keep it out of this, you guys keep bringing it into it. Drop it or I will start reporting every mention of XF in this thread. For those that don't know we have stopped since the april fool's day collaboration for Guilders (with Null and myself being the first two accepted ;)), so you should to... because we are trying to setup an affiliation.

    Send me a msg on XBL and I will add you to my FL so I can take a look at it closer and run some games with you. I've heard alot about Skyquest and I was actually wanting to look at it myself soon... now sounds like a great time...
    #18 Ray Benefield, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2009
  19. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Unfortunately I can't join you this weekend. I'm working 'til 10:30pm PST tonight, and then tomorrow my afternoon is taken. I'll send the FR just the same, so you can access my file-share in-game. My Gamertag is Forgotten Wing, just so there's no confusion.

    No hard feelings, eh? ^_^
  20. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    No hard feelings at all bro... anyways, I mentioned to send a msg, because my FL is normally really full all the time.. lolz. I look forward to looking through the map and giving my input. I can see a few things that might be nice for the map, but nothing that changes the geometry, just the mechanics. I will be available throughout the week as well as next weekend so we can get togehter (mmm dirty lolz...).

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