EDIT: After over three months, this idea has finally become a reality! Visit my Attention Deficit map thread to check it out. I've got a new map idea that I thought I'd post here. It would be Conquestish. Two of my biggest problems with Conquest have been that you don't really fight over any of the territories besides the center one, and that most of the round means nothing, only the last 30 seconds or so. Imagine three territories in a horizontal line with barriers between them. The teams spawn on opposite sides of Territory 1 and fight it out for a minute or so. Then, a timed map event allows players to proceed to the previously unreachable territory 2. They fight it out there for a minute or so until they are allowed into territory 3. If players don't capture a territory before the next one is available, they can choose to proceed to the new one or try to capture the old one. Territories get locked after each capture. Possible problem: it gets boring spawning near #1 and having to run across the map to get to #3 every time you spawn. Solution: I could have several respawn points positioned near #2 or #3 that each have a fusion coil on it. Players won't spawn there if an object is blocking it. Then at the timed map event, a fusion coil spawns high in the air, drops, and blows up the coils to allow players to spawn there. At the same time, boxes can spawn on top of the old points to prevent future respawns there. I think this type of map would have a cool progression through the round. There would be several phases. I'm imagining 3 rounds. I might make this my next project, but I wanted help brainstorming map and gametype ideas/settings.
Hah that is great. I love the idea of fighting for each territory. And I also noticed that only about the last minute or so mattered. You and your conquest ideas. I love it.
Hmm... Sounds tri-assault-ish... which involves 'delicate' systems... which are difficult to make work properly. You might think about making it proceed upward and spawning mancannons or something rather than relying on the fusion-coil-moves-boxes mechanism. Just my opinion. I like the idea, though. And when you say the teams have barrier between them, do you mean actual barriers? or barriers that truly separate the teams? I'm also wondering if this would work without territories locking after capture. Maybe not, but it'd be interesting to keep in mind.
If it was Halo 2ish, no lock after capture wouldn't be all about the last minute. How about, in Territory 3, there's a teleporter reciever from each spawnproof base. Which is in a small niche in the wall and is covered by a soccer ball, which respawns every 60 seconds(or instantly, whatever bites your cookie). Basically, the team holding territory 3 can unlock the teleporter to allow them to rush in from their spawn to the territory.
I meant the territories are divided by walls and stuff. Maybe @ 1 minute some stairs spawn allowing access to #2. And then @ 2 minutes some grav lifts spawn allowing access to #3. That's something to consider, but I was going for kind of a Tri-Assault thing for Territories, like you said.
Maybe having spawn areas to the sides of the main fighting to reduce spawn camping, and eliminating the barrier all together. My play style is up close and personal and if you were to take that away from me Furious I wold cry. I think building up looks kind of messy to me. Well at least all the maps I have seen that try to build up as the map progresses. I feel that the idea of blocking spawn points is good way to keep pushing people forward and holding people back is a good way. But the only concern I have is if people try to push forward to early, and mess up the whatever you have blocking the spawn points.
I must have been unclear. You can interact with the enemy. By "barriers" I meant impassable walls to keep players focused on one territory at a time. Then later they are allowed to proceed. I would defend against this of course. Perhaps fusion coils on top of spawn points all encased in a shield door box so that grenades and bullets cannot get in but a falling fusion coil can. And the same can be done with a teleporter. It could be blocked until a certain time. Ummm, yes. But hopefully with more strategy. That's what I'm looking for here. And to be fair, you could minimize Conquest in a similar way by asking, "so you just run to the center and kill each other until the 3 minutes is up?"
Maybe have each section a different type of map style. Where each team has to adjust their play style to that one, instead of each "Circle" having the same kind of play. Yes you are trying to capture the territory. BUT HOW> This will be left up to you of course Furious.
Would the circular rooms be big enough to allow the addition of crates, barriers and such as cover? Or would it be a small, spawn-hold trigger type of room?
I imagine they'd be similar to the sizes you've got in Faction. It'd get obnoxious if they were much smaller than that.
Or quite possibly the size could vary in each room. Make one where if you control the high ground you would have the advantage. Or if you control certain weapons. I do not know but I most certainly like the idea of variance in the three rooms.
Yeah, different style rooms is a good idea. Maybe one room is all about the BR where the territory is in the middle of a big area with little/no cover and you need your teammates to cover you while you're capturing. Either that or have your entire team rush it and try to get it quickly, but that would be dangerous because of nades. I'll keep brainstorming.
Have each room shaped a bit differently too, like have one square, on circular. Some Multi Leveled some only one level. But I am really looking forward to this map Furious.
it's a good idea but the spawning is a real problem your idea only works if they've already captured the first territory because if they haven't they have to run back, or so i understand
Cool idea. Conquest is pretty enjoyable, and this seems to cut out the extraneous parts. What if you did it on Rat's Nest, and allowed a little warthog/ghost/hammer action on one of the areas - say near the ledge? Doing that might make it less like conquest and more like the tri-assault though.
That sounds like a great idea. I wanted to do it on Foundry so I could make everything work exactly like I wanted it. But Rat's Nest would be a better place to start. I can build a "proof of concept" map there. If it's fun, I could make the real deal on Foundry. If no one captures the first territory when they spawn near #2, they can choose to go back for the first one or go for the second one. But I'd be sure to place enough goodies near #1 that they might want to go back there anyway.
ok i just had to check beacuse if you had people spwaning at three and completely about number one you might have a problem
Perhaps they originally spawn in room 1, then after the first timed event to influence spawning occurs, they spawn in room 2, but may go back to 1. Then when the 2nd timed event happens, room 1 locks off completely (i can't see it being unlocked after that time anyway) and players may spawn in both rooms 2 and 3. This timed event would probably need to open more than one passage between rooms 2 and 3. just a thought. let me know if that idea wasnt too clear, ill try and explain it differently. but I definitely think drastically different geometry for each room would be really cool
Have you put this on the back burner, Furious? It's been a while since you brought it up, but LIGHT's post from yesterday reminded me of this again. It sounds like the new maps could possibly be used with this concept. I won't know until I get home to play around in them though...