I was wondering if its possible to make a fully working conquest map with 3 or more teams.I think this would be a fun and new approch to conquest like a multi team or something.i was thinking the map would be in the shape of an X with each team starting on each end.Just an idea and let me know wat you think
Whoa that is an amazing idea and I'm startled someone hasn't came up with it yet. You probably shouldn't have posted this on the forums and instead unleashed it with a Conquest map post of your own.
You never know, it might work, but it'll need to be more complicated than an X. maybe a slightly swastika shaped one? And yes, that may draw up a lot of criticism. People wont respond to it nicely.
I also have a Conquesty gametype in mind, and to be honest, I've come up with a multiple party conquest idea, but didn't really give it much attention. I say go for it. And make a reverse swastika, if people give you nasty comments on those, tell them they're retarded - a reverse swastika is a symbol of peace* in.. Some eastern religion. Not really sure which. *or something positive, at least.
Me and idiotninja are already in the process of making this. We did'nt want to say anything because somebody might have stole it, but now that you made this thread we are announcing it. We are doing 3 teams.
Yeah we chose three teams because with four teams each team only received two territories, but with three teams each team can have two territories plus one center one worth two points. We also realize that the hate will pile on.
I've never played Conquest but I thought the idea was like a tug of war, fighting a long the line. If you are 3 paths then you run in to problems of teams possibly getting cut off from their base. If Team A gets all the way up to Team Bs base, Team C can come along and take Team As base and Team A gets traped between Team B and C and if they lose all of their territories then the spawn points get a bit messed up because they'll have to spawn in an enemy controlled territory. Perhaps if it was a 1 way circular path, with ramps and drops to stop players turning around to go back. It becomes a race to catch up with the opposition. A 3 or 4 way Conquest style gametype does seem interesting but it would need quite a few changes to be made to the standard tug of war.
like I said me and idiotninja are already in the process of this. We're doing fine at the moments but if we need help we can get you.
Well see that might be good or bad, it would put more focus on defense because you can not just have all your guys go and attack. It might not work, but that is what testing is for. If it does fail, I would like to try the circle idea.