I've been thinking about making a conquest map and trying to enter the competition, but I haven't been able to really find any rules for conquest maps. Can anybody tell me exactly what makes a map a conquest map? All I've been able to find is that it must be linear and symmetrical, yet I've seen maps like Chasm that kinda stretch those rules. what I had in mind was a linear map, but have different levels along the same path to add more of a challenge.
When they say linear they mean path-wise linear... basically no diverting of paths, no forks in the road. Here's a the link to your Conquest information: The Book of Conquest by Predicide It should help you out with a gametype that took forever to get off the ground. lol... sadly The Cellars didn't hit it off like I wanted it to, but atleast I made another lasting impression... I'm so full of myself... lol
thank you! lol. that helped so much. ^_^ Now I feel like I can make a good map without worrying if I'm doing something wrong.