Well i know alot of peope may not remember conquest from halo 3, games such as head hunter and that multiflag variant made people forget in reach but im thinking of returning it to halo 4. What is conquest you may ask? Well conquest was a sub variant of territories which involved an odd number of plots mainly 5 or 7 for large maps 3 for small maps. The goal is to press through either an asymetrical or symetrical map capturing points while fighting off the opposing team, team with the most points at the end of the round won. All plots were conjoined with one another which menas if you lost a plot the enemy team started to invade or contest the next zone almost immediatly. I know there isn't a territory's game type in h4 (idk y the hell not is a classic gametype that i thought rivaled koth) but i think extraction could be a nice sub for this classic play style. How you may ask? Well imagine a map composed of 3 or 5 extraction points with the areas moving from semi defenable areas to a mid point that is all about mayham, it'l take alot of testing and tweaking but i think this could be a good sub for conquest. Maps will be done the same way as conquest with perhaps more openenss and faster more linear routs to opposing starting and secondary extraction bases with the final base being located mid center of the map. I'll be starting my tweaking and basic setup on a pretty bland map soon to see if i can pull it off, thought and suggestions welcome including Capn your crazy this won't ever work, muhahaha you fail to realize my steadfast love of conquest i'll make it work muhahahaha. Edit: just thought Dominion might be a better solution with sheild doors and turrets for lager maps idk yet i'll play with both, i do like the fact that Extraction plots stay for a determined amout of time before expiring forcing teams to move so idk. Only downfall for dominion is having to hold to capture, if it could be tweaked to an auto cap feature it would work perfectly.
No no no, it isn't a problem at all. You can set it to 1 second capture time, which in-game is barely anything. But, you still have to "hold X to capture" and wait for the bar thing to fill up, which is also about 1 second.
You know you might be able to accomplish this with a KOTH variant. In Halo 4 up to 3 hills can exist at any one time.
Really odd that you posted this...I've been working on a Dominion/Conquest spinoff for quite some time now.
Well conquest is a variant i helped further along back in halo 3, not to mention me Rifte Gifle, Kuroda plus many others dedicated a lot of work to it and made some of the best conquest maps, but anywho well if your working on it wana partner up? or just start throwing maps together, the only thing iv encountered is you can only have 5 bases, well on Impact anyway idk about other pallets and im having a hard time making them all spawn at once and be active idk if im labeling wrong or what. and by furthered along i mean we gave up on our extraction game type (not the h4 type) and switched to conquest the game mechanics were already made but we tested alot and also made lots of maps those were the good days, conquest sessions for like 3 or 4 hrs haha.
I'd be willing to partner up, but I'm afraid the gametype that I'm working on is a pretty radical evolution of the original conquest. I wanted there to be some similarities, but not a direct copy. So in other words, you're trying to recreate the gametype, while I'm simply working on a spinoff of the classic.
This would be SO great, I love conquest, but Capn, you do know that conquest happened in Reach right? I think it was the guys from THFE that did it, it was rather good fun.
Ok edited the earlier one I didn't mean it as I helped create the mechanics for gameplay I was in no way involved with the direct creation if the gametype. An no Heretic I didn't know lol I was outa the loop for that game. @ cluckinho I'd like to see what you got going, but ya your right I want a solid re creation. I feel like if your using extraction a brand new game style can emerge iv had a few ideas about how to set it up but idk if itl work
Have you brought this thought up to GodlyPerfection at all? Afterall it is his legacy. Anywho, I've already been experimenting with this theory, my version uses Dominion, with almost exact same settings other than instead of territories, you use 5 base terminals. and I've been wondering about incorporating things as turrets or sheilds, but not sure if it would go about the spirit of the original gametype. I've already made a map for the gametype and informed Azn, (Godly) about my idea, and waiting to talk with him about the concept and if it will work or not.
I have heard word that Minister Muffin's Conquest map is complete. I think. I do also believe he set it up with dominion.
Ya that seems the most logical bet 2 use dominion I think a spin off using extraction could be cool and no honestly I didn't think to bother him with it. If I'd got off my butt I could have probably came up with a solution for the gametype then godly or one of the experts of conquest could polish it. Question though Given did you scale up compared to reach or leave it the same I'd assume game parameters would allow only sprint with no personal ordinance but idk I was just thinking how the old school maps would seem super cramped on h4
If I scaled up, then it wasn't by much. The map I created is an "M" shape, but more so a "|||" shape. Consisting of a base-spawn, drop down corner, to a long hallwaywhich has a 180 degree turn to the middle hallway. There's a teleporter box for each team off the spawn. Lots of glass to see the opposite team as well. So I tried to keep it as "Halo 3" as possible, but the halls are relatively open. However, the sides of the halls provide slits and beams to cover yourself from fire. I also have 2 versions of the gametype, Conquest & Conquest AA (Armour abilities) I havent been able to get a lobby going yet though... We should get together on xbox and go over this kind of stuff if you're willing.
Ya i am i threw together a small map on impact that wasn't much but im going to go back and make an ------\______ style map for it just basic and tweak gameplay, id love to help ya test it out, as for AA i was thinking about 3 or 4 classes for it, hardlight, regen, and idk about the others Promethean is pointless and camo is kinda cheating for conquest. Ya i'll send you a fr later on so we can talk