I'm on a quest to create machinima and I refuse to buy a capture card. There must be some way to do this. I play xbox through my monitor and I realized that if I had some type of monitor capture software I could record xbox footage. There is one problem, though. My xbox and computer are through two different imputs. I was wondering if there is any way that I can connect my xbox to my computer then play on my monitor, through my computer. Pleas help.
As long as your Video and Audio cable aren't connected to your monitor, then I'm afraid not. The ethernet cable only provides the internet, not the Video and Audio. What a capture card does is it basically captures the video and audio of whatever is it plugged into to. I also pondered this, and realized the hard truth. Its a shame, but its true.
And so my journey comes to an end... Damn, now I have to buy a capture card... Hmm... I'm not giving up all hopes, though
Well, thats not your last resort. If you're in possession of a video camera, or something that captures videos (That comes with AV inputs), then you could easily plug in your xbox's AV wires into that and then capture the video. If not, you can probably get a medi-core one for about $30-50. Penguinish, DrawingMan, and many other members have one. Ask them for price ranges and some good models.
I hadnt even thought about that. I have an HD video camera, too I'll try it right now! If only I could find the damn thing...
Just try and dig out an old TV that has a vertical RCA bit in the back. If it's vertical, it's an output. It should have an RCA input in the front. Plug your xbox lead into the front (it should be on F-AV channel, now), and the cap card in the output (you'll need an RCA double-male ended lead for that bit). Most DVD combi TVs have an output, but you'll probably need a CRT TV because most LCDs and Plasmas don't have video outputs. Also, you can't really record in HD. If you can't find a TV with an output RCA, then you'll need to buy some Y-splitters (3 of them, to be precise). Plug one into each of the RCA-in slots, and plug the cables into each Y-bit of those (make sure you keep the xbox lead on one side, and the double-ended male RCA lead on the other side). Sorry, but computer monitors aren't really good enough for machinima. If you've got Vista, talk to BlueJayFan.