Diffuse thanks for taking the time out of your day to spell my name right. : What I love is how in the description of the map and gametype it says that they are built for each other, but people still don't understand. You have no idea how many messages that I receive a day that say "OMG YOUR MAPS SUKZ! I SPWN IN TEH JALZ!" Of course I reply with something along the lines of "Well maybe if you bothered to use the eyes given to you, you would have seen the CTF gametype for it right next to it. Or maybe you could have read the description? Hmmmm?"
Nothing is more frustrating than seeing the map have like 10,412 downloads and the required variant has 12. Then the whole thread is full of "ZOMG SUCKAGE 3XTREME!!1!" Bungie ought to develop a way to package maps. That way, when you decide to download, Tunnel Raid 2.0, for instance, it automatically starts downloading the CTF that goes with it. How hard could it be?
I don't think just a map+gametype upgrade is needed, but an option to upload several items under one download, like map makers that make seperate varients for maps that can be played multiple gametypes on. It could also be used to have a single topic with, say, all of TDF's maps and their respective gametypes together. They might need to upgrade the queue to more than 8, though. Anywho... ~Jakester1024
yah my bad! I also know what you mean about people complaining and not downloading the game varient for the map. This happend to me with Tunnel Raid, people would be like oooh I can just jump out etc etc...... and In my game varient I made for the map, I hadthe gravity set a 200%.
thanks and diffuse I LOVE Tunnel Raid it is my favorite map! lol you can use that on your topic page at bungie.