I have notice I cannot post into certain maps. I was confused, but I looked at the side of peoples tags and I Saw wat looked like rankings, from UNSC Spartan To Administrator. Does this have anything to do with post you can make on FH?
As far as i know, it has absolutly nothing to do with where you can post within forgehub. Of course its possible that the thread was locked to the general public, and the mods also have the ability to block even the ability to view a thread, or simply delete it. Where and how did this problem occour? If you give me a way to replicate the problem, i will better be able to help you with solution. Name of a thread that you could not post on? EDIT: Can someone add a linky to this thread here? id:1065987, its the one explaining user ranks. I cant cus im on a stupid proxy that wont let me use hyperlinks
Rank means nothing when choosing where you can post (unless your loyal where you get the hub pub i think) The thread you might have tried posting in may of been locked. You can tell this by a little lock symbol next to the thread before you click on it or at the end of the thread it would say locked for such and such a reason by a admin.
Here is a list of all the ranks and what they mean, "Gray" (non-colored) members have absolutely no differences between each other regardless of post count or "rank". You should be able to post anywhere, can you provide a link to a page that you cannot post on?
What specifically happens when you try to post in this thread? You may not be able to post on it because the thread is locked, it will have a button that says "Closed" instead of reply. The button should look like this: A link to the actual thread that you cannot post in would really help here.
lolz first this should have been posted here as a question within the customer support forum, and second that post i just quoted was unnescesary. I completely forgive Zow cus hes new, just remember how to find this section for any future questions so that you dont get your thread moved; that makes it doubly hard to find. And Hectic, c'mon you know better than spam! lol im jk