Conflict BKV

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kon Artist, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    Grab your AR-- Conflict supports all MM gametypes!!!

    Name:: Conflict

    Author:: Kon Artist

    Map Layout:: 4 room bases (Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple)

    Map Size:: 4-8 players

    Map Variations:: NON - MLG settings


    Battle Rifles (4, 30 sec respawn)
    Shotgun (2, 120 sec respawn)
    Brute Shot (2, 120 sec respawn)
    Rockets (1, 120 sec respawn)
    Plasma (4, 10 sec respawn)

    Game types::

    Team Gametypes (2v2 & 4v4)

    Team Slayer
    Capture the Flag
    King of the Kill

    Multi- Team Gametypes (2v2v2v2)

    Team Slayer
    King of the Hill

    Free For All
    King of the Hill


    Blue Base

    Top Blue Base

    Bottom Blue Base

    Open “A”

    Closed “B”

    Bottom Center

    Conflict call-outs
    For center of the Map- courtyard
    courtyard:: all the bridges in center 5 total
    Center Hill:: the 3.5 x3.5 sq. top center with Boxes
    Ball:: very middle of top courtyard
    Bottom court:: under center bridges
    Mauler:: bottom center b/t the Boxes where mauler spawns
    For the Bases- Bases are Color coded— Blue, Yellow, Red, Purple
    Red Base:: Blue, Yellow, Purple
    Top Red:: Red Base top floor (top Blue, top Yellow, Top Purple)
    Bottom Red:: Red Base bottom floor (Bottom Blue, Bottom Yellow, Bottom Purple)
    Red door:: the door way that connects the Red Base (the front door way) to the courtyard (Blue door, Yellow door, Purple door)
    Closed Red:: the top door of Red Base to closed “B” street (Closed Blue, Closed Yellow, Closed Purple)
    Open Red:: the top door of Red Base to “B” tower --the long side of the map (Open Blue, Open Yellow, Open Purple
    Red BR:: the BR in the back top of Red Base (Blue BR, Yellow, BR, Purple BR)
    Red flag:: the sq. b/t ramps in the back of the base. (Blue flag, Yellow flag, Purple flag)
    Side of Bases and bridges- There is an A & B side to the map—the long side is open with the large “A” & “B” towers and the stairs. Closed side – is shorter and has a drop down from Closed street ( the bridges) and has a jump up out of the pit area before the courtyard.
    Red Stairs:: the stairs connected to Red Base (Blue stairs, Yellow stairs, Purple stairs)
    Red Jump-up:: the Jump-up next to Red Base on the short side out of “A” pit (Blue jump-up, Yellow jump-up, Purple jump-up)
    Open A:: the large “A” side (connects Blue Base and Purple Base)
    Open B:: the Large “B’ side (connects Yellow Base and Red Base)
    Closed A:: the flat bridge on A side (connects Blue Base and Purple Base)
    Closed B:: the flat bridge on B side (connects Yellow Base and Red Base)
    A pit:: the area under short A b/t Blue Base and Yellow before bottom court
    B pit:: the area under short B b/t Red Base and Purple before bottom court

    #1 Kon Artist, Oct 5, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  2. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im not a very competative kinda player but this looks cool. i like how its "dotted" with pillars. im making a map sorta like this. great idea using multi team! it makes the atually game play like 10 times more fun. 5/5 FIRST POST! :~)
  3. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    "Clean" And "Tidy"

    This is awesome man....

    I am unable to download it but it looks Great..

    The way it works for all GameTypes shows tahts you have put alot of effort into this.

    It looks very "Clean" And "Tidy" ... Brilliant interlocking

    Well Done Man ... I shall DL Tomo Hopefully and Tell You what I thought
  4. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yah no problem. go try multi-flag as in 2v2v2v2. just make sure to have red, blue, yellow and purple teams.

    Game settings.

    15 sec returns.
    flag dons't have to be at home.
    5 caps to win.

    Yah thats a nub fest-- but fun.
  5. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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    Looks good for mlg and good map layout
  6. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a lot of fun to play. w ill DL after i get some more free space
  7. lucas pk

    lucas pk Ancient
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    i love it im one of those guys who likes a level with tones of cover once i get free space i will download
    RadiantRain likes this.
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    nice map, one of the best ive seen in a while. and ive seen A LOT. i like the staircases that are merged with the boxes, very innovative. i give it a 4/5

    im giving out good, constructive comments, so give me reconz. raaaafle
  9. Sirant

    Sirant Ancient
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    this map looks awsome dude
  10. corey0x0

    corey0x0 Ancient
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    this map looks good i like how its open but has coverage so good job :)
  11. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    This looks really awesome!!! I love your layout and aesthetics, this map is very unique. Amazing interlocking and geomerging... I can't wait to play! I'll come back with a more detailed review soonish.

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: teh aWesomez0rZ

    EDIT: your map name is kinda cliched though =(
  12. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    Ah Yes Kon i played this with you yesterday i will be a testament to this maps greatness.


    Many of you may not think that this map has many aesthetic touches but you would be completely wrong. If you take a look at each base you will notice they are completely symetrical and the interlocking is almost flawless.


    Words do not describe this gameplay. All of the MLG gametypes played amazing on this.

    Team Slayer:
    Played amazing i loved this game the most simply because there is no objective besides anhilating the other team. However, most of the time i got into BR battles with Kon Artist who absolutely raped me every single time unless i had help lol.

    King of the Hill:
    Also played great the hills are in the best spots possible for this map. If you don't know where they are, there is one in purple base, one in yellow base, one in the top middle, and one in the bottom of middle.

    Capture the Flag:
    Played excelent the flag spawns were great as well as the spawn areas. The flag spawns in the back corners which have an opening above them which allow for last ditch grenade throws to stop the flag carrier.

    In my opinion played the worst which is not bad at all. I noticed there was not much movement until the end of the game. Most of the conflicts were in the corner on the lower level of the bases. I would also like to mention me and spudster were the only ones to get an oddball kill(FTW).

    Great 5/5

    keep forging my friend you are great
  13. Fallen Flame

    Fallen Flame Ancient
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    Map looks fun to play on very well interlocked, not alot of weapons, were u going for a MLG feel to it?
  14. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Ah, so you released a normal competitive version? I just suggested the MLG version for a feature. I loved playing on this map with the MLG settings, so there's no doubt that this version will play very well. You obviously have my download, and a good rating from me. The overall design of the map is just fantastic, and really what drives it's fun, and competitive feel.
  15. sgt n00b34

    sgt n00b34 Ancient
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    Interlocking is Mighty fine! 5/5 for you!
  16. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    I dont no what it is about this map, but it remindes me of something I've seen before. Any way this looks like a great CTF. 4.5/5!
  17. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    um, maybe conflict 2.2-- the MLG version? couldn't tell you, but maybe you wouldn't mind telling why you thought its a 4.5/5? Of course after you play it.:)

    as for bad news:: it seems that multi-team- multi- flag dosn't work in H3, As in the test, it will not let you make more than 2 teams? weird. I'f anyone knows how to make 4 teams during flag. . .let me know. Thanks. All the other Multi-team (2v2v2v2) gametypes should work. Along with FFA gametypes and Team.
  18. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    Verry nice
    the interlocks are smooth
    map looks nice and clean cut
    the lines of sight on this map may be a trifle to long
    mabey add some nade chucking restrictions to the map in ways of creating overhangs
  19. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    I have given this map its final update. It has been submitted to bungie's atlas group to be considered for MM. Thanks to all that help play test:)
  20. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
    Senior Member

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    Yes! I love the BKV!

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